
If the U.S. can ......?

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.... blow up Iraq and then pay to rebuild it once we destroy it, taking all of those innocent lives, spending our tax dollars along the way..... why do we in the United States of America have children starving without adequate housing, or why don't we have a healthcare system that isn't so expensive that people don't seek treatment, or why aren't we investing that money in the future of this nation, our children, or allowing g**s to marry (because g**s pay just as many taxes as you do, if not more)?




  1. Because George Bush's loyalties lie with the corporations, not the people

  2. Bombing Iraq helps big business(we need munitions). Building it up again helps big business(just ask Haliburton). Helping a child dying of cancer doesn't help big business.

  3. become a preacher marry g**s feed the children open a school and teach them all to be doctors then your problems will ba solved

  4. It's not so difficult, really.  It is because the people making the decisions aren't so very concerned with the lives of every American, but only those who bolster their power and resources.  And they aren't really concerned with America's future, except in how it can benefit their own power and resources.  It is because the decision-makers are bought and paid for through their campaign financing by the multinational megacorporations whose concern is profit, profit and profit.  It is because we do not have democracy in any meaningful way, and the opinions of American citizens matter very little in our government model.  It is democracy that can fix this, but since we don't have it, we must create it.

  5. Because America has power and it bloats EGO which is very large and hence the problem. -

  6. Pretty simple and unfortunate... we've had a terrible President from a party that doesn't care about any of those things you just mentioned, in power for the last 8 years. Vote Democrat and maybe we can at least improve America and stop attacking other countries for no good reason.

  7. Ask the President this question!  He acts like it is his money he is spending!  That man is making money off of this occupation so why should he stop it, not going to happen while he is President, his friends & family need the money!

  8. We have programs to help us in the domestic field but people tend to abuse it.  That is why we have welfare reform. Mom is on welfare, she has 10 kids on welfare.  Those 10 kids have 10 kids and they go on welfare......etc.  But then again they send all the jobs overseas so you can't get off welfare or the average wage is too low to survive so you are better off on welfare than out working.

    Blowing up Iraq or any other place is not an option.

    The health care issue is all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.  Why cure and lose money when you can treat and make money?  

    I don't care if g**s marry.  They have just as much a right to happiness as the rest of us.  Or as the comedians say..... just as much right to misery as other married couples.  lol

  9. Somehow I think I might agree with something you stated.  Are you saying we should nuke Iraq and kill all of their citizens and let their God sort them out, and then rebuild it to suit ourselves.  We might as well get Iran while we are at it to.  Good idea.  As far as the rest goes, I can't agree with you.

  10. Nobody's perfect, you know that, Thomas.  Give it ten years, and g**s will be able to get married, but there will be new problems. Solving the ones we have now opens the doors to new ones later.

    I completely agree with you about the children starving and expensive healthcare, why dont you ask the selfish communists who dont pay their taxes and the lazy cowards who could go out and fight for our country and get the war over with. All this anti-War propoganda is slowing us down, and if we pull out, its admitting weakness to other communist countries that might try to take advantage of us (China for example, no hatin', just making a point).

    What I'm trying to say is that the war IN Iraq is not a war ON Iraq, and that GW's (in my opinion) just trying to do the best he can.

  11. The way out of Iraq could be through Anti-War protesters which could protest that The Human Right To Peace is not in The Constituition, To protest for The Human Right to own The Planet and conserve natural resources. The Human Right to a decent standard of living as a Right in The Constituition for citizens. The U.S. can do this.

  12. bstuck2000 is correct,we should marry g**s There wouldnt be too many child support issues clogging our courts.

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