
If the U.S. is building space crafts..where are they building them?

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Surely they couldn't all be being built at Area 51.




  1. In Japan / through Quantum minds/


  3. They are fashioned from parts built all over the world.Then assembled in Cape Canaveral,Florida.If you mean alien interstellar craft.That is done in HoHokus,NJ.

  4. Texas,Nevada,Arizona,New Mexico,Florida....

  5. 1. The U.S. has been building space "crafts" since the 50s

    2. A lot of it is out sourced to companies like lockheed martin.  The rest is buil by NASA at their facilities in florida and texas.

    3. I wasn't aware that area 51 ever built anything.  I thought the theory was that they were housing an alien space craft at area 51, not building anything.

  6. ...Secret locations... that's generally how it's done. Area 51 is not exactly a "secret" anymore.

  7. Marvin has not learned the concept of misdirection.

  8. No one actually knows although conventional wisdom will tell you that its in Area 51 (Nevada)

  9. Kennedy Sapce center in Florida.  On a good day you can watch one being launched.  Hard to miss, lots of flame and clouds of gas streaming behing the spacecraft.

  10. NASA. Seriousely? Area 51 is where they collect alien spacecrafts, we make ours in Texas.

  11. Hah they could be built in some military hanger .. somewhere possibly int he desert.. where they perform tests as well.. who knows

  12. I really can't tell you if your talking spacecrafts like UFOs (to the best of my knowledge, they don't). I do know that parts of the shuttles and space station, along with the various telescopes and satalites, have many places where the components are built. I know that some of these components are built in multiple states (such as Utah, California, Alabama), then transported to which ever launch center (not all shuttles are launched at Kennedy Space center, there is one in Texas) where they are all assembled, then lauched into space. Hope I helped.

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