
If the U. S. pulled out of Iraq would it make any difference?

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If the U. S. pulled out of Iraq right now, not in a month. 6 months or a year. But today would it make any difference? Would it be the end of the world? Would this be like leaving Viet Namn another exercise in futility when 70,000 Americans lost their lives? Would it make any difference what Iraqis do after the withdrawal? Does anyone care? If the U. S. admitted they should never have been there would the rest of the world lose respect for the U. S? Is there any point in staying there and losing thousands more lives? Do you believe what the generals and/or the White House says? Please indicate your nationality in your reply. I’m Canadian by the way and am very grateful we aren’t there.




  1. YES.

    This would make a big difference in our economy (free up those billions of dollars and use it on something useful) and bring  home troops. It would also bring some peace to Iraq without our nosy selfs there.

    OBAMA 08

  2. Yeah, it would make a lot of the world hate the US less.  The generals and politicians told the same lies in Vietnam.  The world would respect us much more if we admitted we should never have been there because it was all based on lies, instead of always pretending we're so righteous.

    I'm American and I don't wanna hear any numbskulls calling me unpatriotic cause I'm telling the truth.

    See below:  Actually, Iraq already has a Shiite-dominated government, just like Iran's and the US was never in Iran to "pull out of".  And increasingly, the rest of the world screams for the US to mind its own business.

    R, P then B:  yeah, the Iranians had a democratically elected government that we and the British overthrew cause he wanted to nationalize oil.  The Shah was a dictator who tortured and killed people.  WE made that mess becasue our govt. always puts money and control of resources over the democratic ideals we always say we stand for.

    Dave, you forgot one little detail about Afghanistan: the US was funding, arming and training the Islamist mujahedin "freedom fighters" against the Soviets.  These are the Taliban and other allies  of Al Qaeda.

  3. I believe it'd make huge difference if the Americans pulled out of Iraq at any time. Of course the sooner the better but I doubt they'll do that soon. There r a lot of vested interests and White House doesn't care neither for the Americans who get killed nor for the innocent Iraki. I'm really glad that my country isn't there too. I hope that the USA finally stop destroying just to get more and more...

  4. The most important difference it would make is that it would free up 12.5 billion dollars a month for us to spend on more important issues.

  5. I do believe pulling out now would have  devastating effects in the middle east as long as the terrorists remain in power.My concern is what will happen if we leave them in turmoil.and what effect it will have on the rest of th world. I am not happy about our going there in the first place, but I don't think it wise to pull out until the job is finished. I am a US citizen.

    Charles D

  6. Back in 1979 (i think) the U.S.S.R. invaded Afghanistan, which was a prosperous nation at the time.  The Soviets were unsuccessful.  

    After a few years (1981 I think), they abandoned the war and pulled out, leaving a beat up, war-torn, governmentless Afghanistan in their wake.  That is when the terrorists and factional groups started to take over and call Afghanistan home.  

    Iraq would suffer a similar fate if the U.S. were to abandon it's war there today.  That is a very dangerous part of the world and there are no easy answers, but the war has breeded deep hatred towards the U.S. and the coalition, and the last thing the world needs is a new sanctuary for evil people.

    That, and most Iraqis are innocent people.  They do not deserve to live an a country like Afghanistan became, regardless of how many of them feel about America, or any country for that matter.

  7. It'll follow the same path Iran did in the 80's. The minute we leave or pull our support they'll re-elect mullahs to run the country, then the extremism starts all over and and the world screams for the US to do something.

    It won't matter if we leave now or later, this is inevitable, history has taught us nothing.


    You'll remember the Shaw of Iran, a friend to the US until an exiled Mullah by the name of Khomeini returned. He made noise, the people over-threw the government and we have what we have today.

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