
If the U.S. went to war with Russia and China?

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Will the U.S. and it's allies be able to win?




  1. Why would China and Russia be allies?  China is much more worried about Russia, with which it shares a border, than it is about the USA.  In terms of geopolitical realities, China and the USA don't have much to fear from each other, which is why the Nixon-Mao meetings years ago took place.  If the USA went to war against Russia, it'd probably hope that China opened a second front against the Russians.

  2. With china no. with russia yes no doubt.

    China would be hard enough to beat alone.  Though sure america can win agasint China as long as they dont go at the same time.

  3. It'd be a NIGHTMARE!!! BOTH Russia & China have Nuclear weapons; AND a combined Population of 1 & a Half BILLION people... There would be SO MUCH Damage to the World- EVERYBODY would be "losers"- IF we came out of it ALIVE !!!  :0

  4. no way     in the end we would nuke 'em all.  everyone is fucked, there's no place to hide nuclear fall out dna mutated virus.  i'm not joking,  war is bad, and there's lots of new weapons out there today just dying to be used.   ouch

  5. No.

    Allies..ha! Do we have any left? Thanks Bush.

    Why are we going to war with China?

  6. u.s must help Georgia!!

  7. LOL Won't happen since everyone will nuke the pundit FIRST . If you think USA will go to war w/ russia because of Georgia , you are so mistaken.

  8. NO.

    Do not underestimate China. Do not underestimate Russia. It would be foolish for the States to throw the gauntlet down at the feet of both those nations. America would lose a great number of allies because frankly? If the U.S. government can't see that; it doesn't mean that foreign governments are that blind.

    The combined forces of China's army (well over one million of them) and the technology of both Russia, and China with the resources that they could bring to the front?

    The United States of America would lose.

  9. HA HA! anyone who thinks that has some serious high hopes. Russia and China are two huge countries and are not a force to be messing with plus over 4 thousands of OUR troops have been killed already our men are withering away!!! also russia and china don't care about us they will pull out the big guns (nukes) to get us out of the way so they can fight against each other for world power

  10. I don't know but, some reasons why we shouldn't go to war:

    1. People will get more aggressive when the gas prices go up at least 2-5 more dollar.

    2. Most U.S. industrial businesses are in China now and basically if the US destroy China, most US business men losses a lot of money and the US dollar will dramatical drop. (Aka stocks and will be in a even worst recession)

    3. US might have a lot of weapons, but beware of China's population.

  11. they would get their *** whipped.

  12. smart guy, all these people have nukes.  Use to be referred to as MAD.  Mutually Assured Destruction?  Won't be any real winners??  

  13. I don't think so.

  14. I'm pretty sure everybody would lose...

    The only survivors would be cockroaches and guys in submarines.

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