
If the UK went to war with Pakistan --which side would you be on?

by  |  earlier

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If the British government had a "draft" whereby you had to fight.

Would you leave the UK and go home to defend your slums?

Or stay in the UK and be killed?

Or would you fight for England and its very easy going benefit system?




  1. I will fight alongside my Muslim brothers. Muslims shld never take the brits as allies, their history proves them to be treacherous. I guess their jewish counter parts have taught them well.  

  2. this is silly question .

    What makes you think that Britain will attack Pakistan .

    Pakistan army is 500000 men . over 900 fighter jets not a very easy task at all ..

    no matter how much powerful you are  Pakistan is capable to give tough time to any country in the Whole world including the United States  

  3. If i'm a uk citizen, then i'll fight for uk.

  4. Pakistan , DUH

  5. I agree with *Neuro*. Anyway the British government would never have a '"draft" wherby you had to fight' so this question is pretty pointless.

    I am British and non-Muslim but if there was a war going on I would not take any side, because both sides are pathetic for taking part in war in the first place.

    I don't support any kind of war... it doesn't matter who is taking part.

  6. Me V does not speak for me. I am Indian. Dont mind in the least. saying I hope they do and finish Pakiland for good.

  7. I'll pack my bags and move to Mexico, my second home.

  8. yeah I agree with Neuro and what have you got against the Qur'an huh? geez you can't even spell it right what have you got against Muslims? huh? answer me that moron

  9. Uk is harboring the most wanted terrorist of Pakistan (aka Altaf Hussain).  Fix your own hypocrisy first before pointing fingers

  10. If you choose to live in the UK then should honor your country, God knows they've given you enough..  

  11. Yeah yeah respect to Abbas, nice one bro.

  12. Dont worry we India will save Pakistan (as peace is our nature and culture) no matter even if Pak is involved in problems in J&K, terrorism and bomb blasts of every now and then.

  13. sides that make you love me

  14. I would help my fellow Muslims because BEFORE BEING BRITISH I AM A MUSLIM

    Oh, and just to be clear, if it was a war between ANY Muslim country, I would help my Muslim brothers and sisters.

  15. Which side would one be on? Of course, one should be on that side who is right. It should have nothing to do with religion. It's a decision based purely on ethics. During the build-up to the Gulf War 2, hundreds of thousands of people in England and Europe got out in the cold and went AGAINST Britain for going to war, whereas many Muslims in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia were FOR the war. So it has nothing to do with religion - only for truth and ethics. End of the day, it was the people of Britain who were right and their Govt wrong - deaths of well over 100,000 I-RAK-EES, complete devastation of one of the most progressive and modern countries in the Middle East (at least according to a NatGeo article on Iraq in 1986...) As for "Pakistan helps the Taliban , Iraqi and Afghanistan people hate Pakistanis: ummm, excuse me but the Taliban are and always were AFGHANS. Also, I find it strange that the combined might and intelligence of U.S., UK, NATO, and Afghan forces can't stop opium production in Helmand (which produced over 3 tons of opium last year or 53% of the world's production) yet is smaller than the state of W. Virginia. And these people are blaming Pakistan for "not doing enough" in stopping "infiltration"??? Thousands of Pak soldiers have sacrificed their lives to save your pink little a.. Hey Kafoor, be a little thankful instead of bitching about life. Everything is going to be o.k., don't worry.

  16. what's this obsession u ppl have with pakistan

    leave our country alone!

  17. I would help my muslim brothers and sisters. Living in the UK all my life i am aware of how racist and ignorant the average white english person is.  

  18. I know you're question is based on racism, but I thought I'd provide a sensible answer anyway.

    It would depend on the reason for the war. If it was based on British imperialism, I would be against it. If it was a religious war, I'd be against it. If it was for any other cause, I'd have to consider it on its merits.

    As for those who have answered that they are muslims first and British second, if you don't like living in a non-muslim country, go live somewhere where your primitive beliefs are more accepted.  

  19. pakistan

  20. Pakistan is the main center for jehadi  terrorist training in the world and as such is a threat to world peace and safety,,so all civilized people should join forces and support UK if it went to war with (NA) pakistan.Almost all the terrorist attacks that have taken place all over the world have either been carried out by pakis ,or people of p**i origin or by people who have been trained in pakistan what more proof does the world need aganst this evil country that is a hot bed of terrorism. The pakistani secret inteligence  service is the biggest trainer and financier of international terrorism ,for funds it smuggles heroin internationally and is in bed with the taliban who control the opium trade.    

  21. it this a question to ask ?

    Get a life man

  22. what a wrong thing to ask.

  23. this is a stupid question

    thanks for the ten points though !

    leave pakistan alone

    gosh why do yu people always pick on our country?

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