
If the US army got help from a stronger force (like the south vietnamese army) would iraq turn around?

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What about Afghanistan? Maybe we should have some guerillas or ex guerillas advising on how to fight this battle, because superior weapons and superior training seem to cause superior confusion. Also if Iran ends up being a problem, our new South Vietnamese friends could keep them inline to!




  1. to! thats elections come and elections go the war s-it goes on forever.

    why who starts somthing has to finish it in a wrong way.other than local budahs walking through mud.

    distubing huh

  2. First off, you are an IDIOT!

    There are a few Armys that are larger, but man for man no Army is Stronger.  Back in the '70's the US gave South Vietnam to the South Vietnamese to defend.  A week later North Vietnam tanks were driving freely through Saigon.  The South Vietnamese did what they are famous for -- they ran!

    Oh,, by the way because the South Vietnamese Army ran away, there is no such country as South Viet Nam.

  3. we supported a guerilla movement in afghanistan during the soviet-afghan war and that spitted out the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden as a threat to America

    At the start a guerilla  movement would work but might have some SERIOUSLY NEGATIVE consequences at the end

  4. Ask my dad he's been over there...but really it maybe could help but were able to turn this battle around.If we get down and dirty like they are and are you preferring to Vietnam.Because North Vietnam took over so South Vietnam is no longer a country it's just Vietnam.And yes they could help if they wanted to but I don't think it would turn things around.The U.K. and Georgia are the ones who send the most troops to Iraq after us of course.So no if we can't fix it with the help of two countries and some others how is Vietnam going to help?

  5. Yeah I'm all for having all hands on deck.

  6. vietnam is not iraq ....

    one country is muslim and sand desert the other is jungle of vegetate and none-muslim.

  7. You are wrong  A maori unit would do so much better they held the british at thier might and introduced gurella war fare. Made the british look stupid . even though they had no weapons. The only nation that they had to sign a treaty with. They had no chance.. You Americans are out of your comfort zone and will loose Iraq and Afganistan. Sorry  

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