
If the US become energy self-sufficient and the price of gas has gone down to say $200.00 per gallon...?

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What do you think should be done to ensure that energy cost and the price of gasoline do not go skyrocketing again? Will we go back buying gas gussling automobiles again? Will we return to our insatiable ways of waste and abuse?




  1. Raise it to $200 a gallon I don't care. When it was $1 I hauled freight for $.80 a mile and milk was $1 a gal and now that it's $5 a gallon I haul your freight for $3 a mile and milk is $5 a gallon so if you take it to $200 I'll charge $160 a mile and your milk will cost you $200 a gallon it all works out for me. Pass it on to the consumer. Think about it everything you own got there because guys like me haul it there and I have a family too and there not doing with out. Before they do the hole country can starve. I WILL NOT HAUL CHEAP FREIGHT. No one thinks about the truckers and I think it's about time you do. This is why everything thing you buy is going up and everything I buy to so I charge more. I am just like you. Price's go up and you need a raise to get a long well       I DO TOO

  2. Energy self sufficiency has nothing to do with the price, oil will be at the world price no matter where its produced from. If you had a gold mine in Nevada, what would you sell your gold for? The current world gold price, oil is the same, producers in Texas get the same price as producers anywhere in the world.

    And Yes, low prices encourage waste, high prices favor conservation and innovation.

  3. thats a loaded question. eventually we will run out of light crude oil and be forced to turn to alternative means of energy. until that time, whoever owns the oil will pretty much be sitting on a gold mine- until it runs out. and it will run out.

    New EPA standards mandate that by 2020 all automobiles get a minimum of 40mpg so even though gas will be more expensive (i would guess 12.00 a gallon) youll spend about the same amount as you do now because your vehicle will use less of it. Most industries are currently switching over to "flex fuel" or "hybrid" technology.

    as for preventing the skyrocketing effect, there is no way. we do not regulate the prices, he who owns the product does. plus commissions, ect drive the price up as well.

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