
If the US gets into another war, will the draft make a come back ?

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Since our forces are spread thin already, do you think if the US got into another conflict, will the US bring back the draft




  1. No.

  2. It's a bit of a paradox.  If the U.S. entered another war, I don't see how the military could fight it without reintroducing the draft, but if the draft were reintroduced I don't see how another war for oil could be maintained for long without sparking a domestic popular revolt.

  3. Probably. Peace!

  4. Most likely.

    But it depends how many allies we have. IF we have more than 2/3 of the world then noo!!!!. And heck no im not gonna sign up for the draft

  5. Doubt it.

  6. The draft will only come back depending on how desperate the war is. If the people see it as a just war, then there should be enough volunteers.

    However, if it is a frivolous war, the people will see through it. Folks these days are seldom willing to die for their freedoms (myself included) so the war itself would really have to stir the American heart into action if it were to be supported by just volunteers.

  7. No and we would NOT have gone to Iraq if there was a draft.

    There would be rioting in the streets and mass exiting of this country if there were a draft.  

  8. No, drafts cause peace movements.  

  9. the usa will never revert to a draft unless it is attacked.

    the draft would send all the people who cry for war now or their children into harms way.

    if there was a draft there would be greater resistance to war.. and that's not what our govt wants.

  10. Depends on the war...

  11. Only if a Democrat is elected President and the Democrats continue their control over the House and Senate.  Only Democrats have attempted to pass draft bills into legislation in recent history.  So to answer your question more directly, yes if we elect Obama in a few months and less likely if we elect McCain in '08.  

    Republicans may start wars, but they don't enact legislation to start drafts.  Drafts are terrible and we learned this lesson in Vietnam.  An all-volunteer military is the best military.

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