
If the US is so evil and the rest of the world so morally upright why is there still suffering in the world?

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No - I wasn't implying that "the US is NOT suffering? That the rest of the world is burning in pain and confusion and the US is trotting along merrily, superior in every way."




  1. morality does not lead to less suffering. One isn't necessarily dependant on the other.

  2. coz' the people who are practically swimming in money don't try to help the people who suffer.

    it's called greed--look it up.

  3. Are you implying that the US is NOT suffering?  That the rest of the world is burning in pain and confusion and the US is trotting along merrily, superior in every way?

    Give me a break.

    People put down the US because the behaviour of its inhabitants (with many exceptions, it has to be said) is appallingly close-minded, ignorant, and arrogant beyond belief.  I have come across scarily large numbers of Americans who have no idea about events and occurrences in the rest of the world, and who *genuinely believe* that theirs is the ONLY “free country” and that they are the only ones who can experience “real democracy”.  Um, excuse me?  Your last election was more rigged than anything set up by Robert Mugabe!  The result wasn’t what the powers-that-be wanted to see, and they demanded a “recount” (read: serious overhaul) so that they could get who they wanted on the podium.  Your presidency is based on popularity and celebrity endorsement.  The US’s constitution and voting procedure is outdated and riddled with errors, and yet you are so deluded that you see it as bulletproof!  You’re kidding nobody but yourselves!

    The difference between the US and the rest of the world is that the rest of the world recognise that THEY ARE NOT PERFECT.  So many US citizens live in a protected bubble of self-delusion, believing themselves to be untouchable, as witnessed in your post above.  But, hello?  What about Hurricane Katrina, 9/11, the market crash . . . George Bush?!?!  You are certainly not perfect by ANY stretch of the imagination.  I know I can’t speak for the people of the “rest of the world” (any more than you can), but I can say with some certainty that I don’t believe myself to be “morally superior” to you as an American . . . but I reckon that most Americans view themselves as “morally superior” to me.  And THAT is what really p*****s most people off about the USA.

  4. Well said Red...

  5. It isn't just the US but they r the most evil and have a massive influnce on the rest of the World

  6. .....and if the US is so evil then why are immigrants from all over the world coming over in droves???

  7. Maybe you should ask how many countries in the world have been ruled by dictators who have made their people suffer since WW2.....and then ask who helped those dictators to power....

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