
If the US were to attack the UK

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Is it possible that the US would was nuclear weapons against us ? serious answers please , and what are the chances of the two country's going to war




  1. England of davnym a long ago belongs to the USA

  2. Our two countries have been allies for nearly 70 years now I can't see any reason for a war with Great Britain.

  3. In the future, who knows what will happen with our countries. The winds are blowing both of us in a different direction.  So that's impossible to say, but nukes will never be involved.

  4. why would they we are very close friends.

  5. Not likely that's going to happen even in fiction, whatever prompted you to ask this question?

  6. No.

    Slim and none.

    Make that 'unbelievably slim' and none.

  7. The US and UK will never go to war against each other.

  8. The Brits an the US Will never go to war we are like best friends.

  9. At present US and UK are allies and they shall turn somany small and weak countries just administrative units under them.  They shall fight in the last when they shall have to divide their imperialism.

  10. First off, there is a less than zero chance that our two countries would ever go to war against each other (I'm from the U.S.; I'm assuming you're from the U.K.)  The war of 1812 is was likely the last time our two peoples ever fired on each other.

    However, if we ever DID, than no, using nuclear weapons is an absolute last resort, and if a President ever ordered a nuclear attack, and there was the slightest hint of it not being absolutely required for our survival, there would be a lot of enraged Americans.  Nukes should only be fired as a VERY, VERY last resort (as in "no conflict currently in existence between any countries at this time in history could ever require nukes to be fired, no matter how bad it got".)  Nuclear weapons are a deterrent.

    But don't fret over an attack that will never happen.  No many idiots are elected to Washington and London, there's basically no way a war could ever take place between the U.S. and the U.K.

  11. The U.S. would NEVER attack th U.K.  We have too much in common and a relationship that goes back to before the U.S. was a country.

  12. 1) The US would not use nuclear weapons against the UK.

    2) The US would not go to war against the UK.

    The majority of families in the US have family ties in the UK. In 1861, we waged war against our friends and families. That war ended in 1865, but the wounds were deep. We are still feeling the negative affects today.

    I can see no possible reason to wage war against the UK. We have our differences, but friends don't always agree.

    True, when America began, we were enemies. But through time, we have forged a solid alliance.  

  13. I think there is no chance as we are on the same side, and i doubt they would use nuclear unless we shot ours at them first lol

  14. Is it possible that the US would was nuclear weapons against us ? NO!  

    Your own country with YOUR OWN immigration problems will take you down before we would have to Bomb or invade the UK.

    Besides, we would be bombing Lakenheath and Alconbury?  Too many American Airmen stationed in England.

    Why would we even attack the British Isles?

    We're like the BESTEST Buds.....

  15. a friend today can be tomorrow's enemy.

    why do you think America keeps alot of its military advances secret from  UK,

    nuclear weapons? if you get into a fight with some 1 who can fight back & you are strugling what do you do you use what ever means to win ,

    keeping secrets mi5 is not the only ones who can not keep secrets, did not  american defence ect computers  get haked into by an incompitent brit,

    will america share its latest fighter plane technology?

    i think it will take some major insident for uk & america to fall out & dont think we would get that,  as far as war,  i think ireland  could of caused  it if we had gone in all guns blazing as there is such a large irish population in america & there would have been such an outcry,

    me i never discount anything as imposible,

  16. IF, AND ONLY "IF", we were to attack the UK, we wouldn't use a nuke. It wouldn't do to destroy any of Britain's major cities assuming that we're looking to take control of the country. The main source of profit would be its numerous historical landmarks. (Also, i think that launching a full scale invasion would cost us more than we would make.)

    The chances of us actually attacking the UK are nil, if not lower. We're like siblings. Sure we don't always get along, but we'll grow out of it... Eventually... If not, then we're telling Mom!  

  17. In 2 Years Time The UK won't exist because Scotland will have voted YES to independence.

  18. It will never happen.  People don't understand that a lot of Americans are of British ancestry.  I'm American and I would cry if our government attacked your country.  Because my grandmother was from England.

  19. The U.S certainly wouldn't nuke the U.K, let alone attack it at all.

    There is completely no reason to believe that a war between the two would erupt in the foreseeable future, especially given their cooperation in WWI, WWII, Korea, Desert Storm, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.

  20. The U.S. has been allies with the UK since we've forgiven the Brits for not giving us our independence.

    The Brits, however, need to worry more about those who would want to make their government into Sharia Law. It's coming your way and the UK is tolerating it like a live lobster in a slowly boiling pot of water.

  21. The US won't go to war with Britain for the same reason that it won't go to war with North Korea or Russia. Because the UK has the capability to strike back at US interests.

    Put in the simplest terms, if the US were to threaten to nuke the UK, then the UK would threaten to nuke the US back, and if not the US then at least somewhere that the US care about.

    Washington rarely, if ever engages an enemy who has the ability to do any serious harm to it. Washington also relies on the UK as a base for missiles and for aircraft. Without the UK is would be a lot harder for the  US to fight the war on terror as it uses the country like a giant aircraft carrier, transiting good and people through it and using it as a refueling stop. The US also need UK troops and intel to bolster its own.

    Likewise, the UK needs the US to fuel its economy, and it needs its support in the UN, so the UK won't start a war, either.

    At most there might be a chill in the political air and a few diplomatic incidents, but there won't be a war as both countries would loose out in the long run.

  22. We would never attack the UK, as some level headed people have said in earlier postings. We are allies and have been allies for over a century, and even best friends keep secrets from each other - but our secrets with the Brits,are very few.

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