
If the USA can have a nuclear weapon, why does it make it wrong for another country to have one?

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Surely, hostile regimes may be highly feared for possessing a bomb, but isn't it fear and self centered intimidation by a country like the USA that allows a nation like Iran to esculate its weaponry and military? How can we expect Iran to halt its enrichment of uranium when they look back at us like us looking into a mirror(Iran) and see a major stock pile of weapons of mass destruction. Most Americans as do most Iranians don't want a war with each other. President Bush wants a war with Iran because he wants to take their oil resources to gain leverage on the Russians and Chinese. Thats why Russia and China never vote on U.N. resolutions against Iran because they don't trust the NATO alliance. Russia and China didnt ratify the UN resolutions in the Persian Gulf War as they knew our quest wasn't just to liberate Kuwait, but remove Sadaam and establish so called democracy run militia country to fight Iran which Sadaam failed to do. USA never learns its history lessons it will fail too




  1. We have more lawyers in our country than any other part of the world.

    Money talks.

    Money also seems to shift ethic issues.

  2. So you think Bush wants Iran's oil for the US?  Why don't we just buy it then?  It would be cheaper than a war.  The same was true of Iraq.

    Of course most Iranians want peace; but unfortunately, their leadership wants the return of the Hidden Mahdi and the end of the world as we know it.

    They aren't rational like the regular Iranian people are.

    A little thing; but did you hear that Iran pulled its swimmer out of competition toward the Olympics, rather than let him swim in the same pool with an Israeli?  

    I certainly wouldn't trust those guys with nuclear weapons, or with anything really.

  3. b/c the USA wont attack anyone with its nukes like some other countries would.  as far as the rest of your insight im not sure and don't consider myself qualified to comment on it.

  4. The world would be a much more dangerous place if every country was allowed to possess nuclear weapons.  It wouldn't take many years for their to be a nuclear holocaust.  This said, I agree that their shouldn't be a double standard.  Eliminate all nuclear weapons including those in the US, France, Russia, China, Israel and all other countries that currently have them.  Then any country that wants to use nuclear power must allow international inspectors to monitor use to ensure no nuclear weapons are being developed.

    Sprtsply:  The US is the only country to ever use its nuclear weapons against another country.  I don't think the US can be trusted any more than any other country.

  5. Manifest Destiny - sadly

  6. Not sure why you think most Iranians don't want war. It does not matter. If the evil dictator wants one, it happens. They are irrational. They want to conquer   the world. They want to kill those who do not convert to Islam. They despise us bc we are successful despite what they see as moral decadency. Your question makes as much sense as asking why American citizens are not allowed to have fully automatic weapons but the military is.

  7. We aren't going to nuke someone unless we absolutely have to. Even when we nuked Japan that was only after 4 years of conventional war, and after we gave them repeated chances to surrender. We haven't used them on a country in 63 years. We are rational, and have proven we are trustworthy and have restraint. Iran, North Korea, and others are not the same. These regions are highly unstable. Even if the governments don't use them, some terrorist group might find a way to launch against Israel or Europe.

    And if our war in Iraq was about oil, why is gas in the US at an all-time high? If we were just out to steal Iraqi oil, shouldn't that gas be at an all-time low?

  8. I agree with you that the United States really has no business telling ANY nation that it doesn't have the right to build a nuclear weapon. The simple reality is, the U.S. has the right to voice its displeasure and to try and convince other nations to use their resources differently, but we as a nation DO NOT have the right to tell any nations what forms of defensive or offensive weapons they may posses.

    There is, of course, reason to be gravely concerned about nations simply creating nuclear weapons for the sake of having them, and it is certainly in our best interest to try and convince other nations that there is no need for them to possess such capability. However, so long as there is even one nation on earth which possesses the ability to wipe out huge swatches of civilization with one weapon, there will always be other nations desiring an equal opportunity. The most obvious course of action would be for the United States to lead all nations in the complete destruction of all nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, I don't see this happening any time soon.

    There is one slight glimmer of hope, however. Nations such as Iran, Pakistan, and North Korea, all of which claim to have working nuclear weapons programs, most likely lack the economic capability of actually producing more than a few relatively modest weapons. In fact, there is a far greater chance that Iran's boasts are greatly exaggerated, and that while it may actually be able to create enriched uranium it may not have the ability to actually deliver a nuclear weapons payload to any location. Don't just blindly believe what you see on the news. Just because Iran claims that it can launch a missile armed with a nuclear warhead doesn't mean that it actually can.

  9. I think all nations in this world should be halted the nuclear weapon development, including US and all members of the G8. It obviously nuclear weapon development has a double or triple standards for all countries in this world. North Korea  has just halted all uranium enrichment programs and blasted the nuclear establishment and let the whole world know. Why they are that humble and obedient? Simply North Korea is poor country and they owned no oil well. Why Iran is still that stubborn and persistent in developing the concentrated uranium or possibly developing the nuclear weapon. Likewise, no country dare to stop the Russia for supporting the Iran uranium enrichment program. I think it probably have to with the stock market conspiracy for making the crude oil prices ups and downs to stimulate the international investment and trading (gambling) of crude oil and gasoline. Do you know how much dirty oil trading money that d**k Cheney's wife made? She made a h**l lot of money and this was proved by her income tax return money was greater Laura and George Bush's total annual income.

    Likewise, the Hong Kong's fascist chief executive has the power raised his already overpaid monthly salary from 340k HK per month to 430k HK dollars per month without the consent of the Hong Kong legislation. So what? He didn't even let the 800k poor Hong Kong senior citizens to get a break of raising the less than $1k/month fruit fund to dog's life of $1k/month. Many economists and educators, both local and  foriegn are argreed that the minium money to live in this number five most expensive city in this world is at least $4k per month and making many Hong Kong seniors are starving because there is no pension fund for the most Hong Kong seniors. I have the sympathy for the many poor Hong Kong seniors. My effort to claim the government' pension for the poor seniors by sending letters to the former stupid  chief executive and the heartless, merciless and thoughtless Hong Kong chief executive and, he didnt gave a d**n to the poor.

    I curse Donald Tsang Yum-kuen to drop dead for the past two years.

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