
If the USA would have had a different president during Iran's Islamic Revolution, fall of the Shah & hostages

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what do you think would have been handled differently and how would the world be different today?




  1. That would be the same whoever the president was at that time. The problem was not in us but theirs. The raise of the fanatics and extrimists there could not be handled by any US presidents.The Shah had a lot of weakneses too.

  2. Blah, who cares, they would still hate us, and the REAL "terrorists" minorities would've taken control without these other events.

    Past is past. Apple is apple.

  3. Would not have made a bit of difference.

    The world would be exactly the same as it is now.

  4. 1979 is a monumental year. We dont know it yet but

    1) Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Start of Afghan mujahadeen and Al Qaeda

    2) Communist Chinese switch to free-market economy. making them the factory of the world and later economic giant

    3) Iran becomes Islamic Republic, Shah is overthrown

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