
If the United States government created two builidngs, like the world trade centre, and somehow had two planes

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go into them, would that help the investigation of 9/11?




  1. Surely not!!! It could be a waste of time and money. It's not like a common crime that could be solve by re-enactment.

  2. No, you could just look at footage of other buildings that have been hit by planes, and suffered disastrous fires that didn't collapse the way the WTC Twin Towers and Building 7 came down.

  3. They're wasting my tax money too much already, so no. But they can use a computer model. The physics behind the crash doesn't make sense by the way.

  4. A waste of tax dollars ( not that that ever stopped them before)

    There are no mysteries about has all been explained....

    Email me if you have questions

  5. What investigation they already know who did it! Why do you think the buildings exploded from several small explosions just like in a demolition and what about the third building where the CIA use to have offices at blew up and collapsed  and no plane hit it! Interesting is it!

  6. Why, just pour some JP4 in a tin kerosene stove and lite it up and wait. And wait. Wait a little longer. I hate to belabor the obvious but the tankers that melt steel, are filled oil or gas, not JP4 (kerosene). Does no one look up into the sky and wonder why jets aren't melting. And what was bldg 6, a coincidence.

  7. sorta.... its way to expensive though. we know that the kind of metal beams used in the WTC are melt able though, with fuels because in 2007 a fuel tanker truck caught fire on a bridge in Oakland, CA and melted the steel girders, splitting the bridge in two. we can just let history play itself out. now compare a huge plane with even more combustible jet fuel colliding into an already impact weakened frame, that would do a lot of damage. add that to the fact the WTC stood for several minutes, before collapse and you have probable cause. the second tower hit (which one escaped my memory) fell more than a half hour later. the design of the WTC made the whole structure on the outside of the building, which was a fairly thin shelling. it was made, however, to fall DOWN instead of tilt while collapsing as to not take out half of the city with it. this was crucial in saving lives during 9/11. but to answer you question, no.

  8. They are called models.

    No need to build them back up, and destroy them and waste millions.

  9. just a cheap way to get rid of out of date buildings when you have trouble with getting planning permition

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