
If the Urals defines the Europe/Asia boundary, how much of Kazakhstan is in Europe?

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I sorted out a similar question in the Caucasus:;_ylt=AmjzSjtvJKEc8gizx3DbYzfsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080814061923AAP5i8M

Specifically, does the continent border enter the Caspian at the Volga, the Ural or the Emba rivers?

This could mean that Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Russia have an equal claim to Turkey for EU membership, all being countries that straddle the two continents.




  1. It appears these days the official line between Asia & Europe follows the Ural Mts, but then where it goes depends on who you are talking to

    I collect antique maps, and on these for hundreds of years the line was along the Volga, through the centre of the Black Sea and through the Boporus Straits.  I would still think this is the correct dividing line.

    But what has altered things are the borders of nations, as you have pointed out.  I am looking at a reputable map that has the dividing line as the Urals & north-western border of Kazakhstan on the east, and the Caucasus mountains to the south.  So this is an expample of how national borders have an affect on continent borders.  All this means outside of the "normal" belief is that a large area of Russian northern Caucasus region that maybe inside Asia or Europe.  

    The real issue here is not whether the country is in Europe, but whether they, and we, see themselves as Europeans.  In the case of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, these states are clearly in Asia no matter which whay you look at it (unless the line is the northern Turkish/Iranian border?).  But a lot of people view them as Europeans, especailly Georgians, a lot more so than the Turks, who don't look European, these other peoples do a lot more.  All 3 ofthese nations have strong links with European instutions, with Georgia aiming for NATO & EU membership.  So as I said I think it comes down to one belief, and of course - politics!  Georgia has lots of Oil.

    But then what is European - it all comes down to the tint of one skin, and slant of the eyes.

  2. turkeys claim for EU membership is as viable as mine is to the British throne,  

  3. Being in Europe geographically doesn't mean that you're in Europe geopolitically.

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