
If the White House announced martial law, effective immediately, would you comply?

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As I understand it, this means no one could leave his or her residence, for any reason, without permission of occupation forces. How many of the 300,000,000 plus people in America would comply with the order? In the end, aren't there more of us than there are of THEM?




  1. Not likely to comply-not likely to happen unless more Bushes get into power!

  2. It depends on whether take-out food orders would still be delivered to my home.

  3. There's no real reason to declare martial law, so no.  In fact, there hasn't been a real reason to declare martial law for decades.

    But the thing is, who will enforce the martial law?  The troops and police are on the side of the people and would understand and know if the martial law was justified or not.

    Just hope they don't have a secret Droid Army.

  4. Public Law 109-364, or the "John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007" (H.R.5122) (2) allows the President to declare a "public emergency" and station troops anywhere in America and take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governor or local authorities, in order to "suppress public disorder."

    Military Commissions Act of 2006  allows for torture and detention abroad (extreme rendition), of anyone named an Enemy Combatant--a title the President can bestow on anyone....

    This is not conspiracy theory, it is ratified law of the United States of America, and a fascist threat to our personal freedom

    I would comply with my assault rifle and rebellion

  5. God help us all if this happens. This scenario is why we have the second amendment.

  6. It's funny that people have such difficulty believing that "martial law" could be put into effect when it already has been, not so long ago! Martial Law was in-forced during the 1992 L.A. riots people. When the "commander & chief" sets a curfew within the U.S. then you can bet it's under the catagory of martial law. Below is a statement about the L.A. mayors action during the 1992 riots. This came down from the President of our U.S. not the mayor of L.A.!

    (Mayor Bradley is also reported to have issued a "dusk to dawn" curfew which prohibits people from being on the street during nighttime hours.) Yes, those young service men & women followed their orders and believe me they were going to carry out each order!

  7. Are libs REALLY that delusional?

  8. Posse Comitatus forbids it except by Act of Congress.

    Posse Comitatus is the act that states that it is illegal for the

    Armed Forces,except National Guard and Coast Guard which are STATE  controlled,to be

    used to help local police forces arrest citizens without an express act of congess. This means that the White House alone CANNOT declare martial law. So the answer is NO if

    the White House declared martial law on it's own I would NOT


  9. How in the world did you even come up with the scenario? Martial Law is usually invoked to keep a given population from killing each other. Would I comply? I'd need answers, and if the answers satisfied me, I'd probably comply. By the way, we are them and they are us.

  10. Probably so.  I wouldn't want to get shot.

  11. my friend, that's why the founding fathers wrote the 2nd amendment. If a man tries to seize/retain power that they do not warrant then it is up to the people, via a militia, to restore our freedom.

    The other side of the coin is: it is a soldier's obligation to follow his commanding officer but, as was proven in the Nuremberg trials, it is also within his duty to not follow a madman's direction. How many members of the military would take up arms against their fellow Americans?

  12. we all would

  13. I think if the white house announced Martial Law there would be a huge rebellion...

    Martial Law is straight out dictatorship and it violates every one of your human rights...

    It would be like living in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

  14. now you are talking about civil war

  15. Martial law clears the way for certain types of declarations, confinement being one of them, but it is not guaranteed that a declaration of martial would confine us to our houses.

    It would only be declared when necessary, usually when the government needs a lot of control over a population, more so than it usually has.

    Posse Commitatus prevents the military from assuming control over domestic law enforcement without congressional approval.

  16. Only if they had a shoot on site policy

  17. No. And neither would the military, for the most part.

    Military officers swear an oath to defend the Constitution. They serve the country, but are not beholden to follow illegal orders from anybody, even the C-in-C.

    This is not going to happen. The only time it would happen would be in the case of a severe disaster or calamity that caused major disruptions to government rule and services. And it would only be until the emergency is concluded.

    Also, the military cannot do so without the permission of the legal governing authority of the individual states. Otherwise, it would be a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.

  18. Probably as long as my kids had enough food to eat.

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