
If the Windsors were ordinary people would they be fit to dig ditches or unemployable?

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If the Windsors were ordinary people would they be fit to dig ditches or unemployable?




  1. That's not nice it's all the in breeding. If it happened to you you'd also be as thick as pig sh*t.

  2. They have all held ranks in the Defence Forces. The Queen when still Princess Elizabeth was part of the Land army and was a mechanic in this service.

    They have also all had a really good education including time at the top schools and universities in Britain (Eton and Cambridge) and in Prince Charles' case in Australia (He attended a year at Geelong Grammar School).

    As a result of their education they would be very employable and certain members such as Prince Andrew do have a regular job, as a TV presenter and producer (he does a show called Crown and Country)

  3. obviously they would be welcomed in the army since the princes sons seem fit.

  4. Jealousy of someone who has it better than you do doesn't make your target worthless.  Several of the royal family, including the queen herself and Prince Philip and at least two of their grandchildren have proven their worth during time of war.

  5. Most including the Queen have done normal  jobs besides keeping our country stable and earn far more money and respect for this country than you ever will..

  6. The Queen is known to be a more than average car mechanic and a bit of a plumber. Mind you at 82 and being head of State for the best part of 60 years, I think She should be taking things a little easier. Instead of worrying about Her Majesty, why not focus your attention on the work shy, wouldn't work if a job was offered to them brigade masquerading as unemployed.

    Vivat Elizabetha Regina

  7. Some of `em would be employable . . for instance Edward  could get a job at Cadburys . . .PACKING FUDGE ...

  8. If they were ordinary people they would have been trained in ordinary things, like digging ditches, or teaching University.  As it is, they were trained in running charities, and waving prettily, and doing fairly innocuous jobs in the Navy.  What's the difference?  In Britain you are often only trained for the positions that befit your birth status.

  9. If the Windsors were ordinary people, some would prosper and some would not. Like all families, you can't chose your


  10. If they were raised as ordinary people then they'd do ordinary jobs wouldn't they?!  Besides, the men in the royal family always train for the military, so they can certainly pay their way.

  11. Victor (reported by some t**t) was right they are as thick as pigs S**t.

  12. Don't think they would be able to dig ditches as they are inbread so their arms dont work quite the same as ordinary folk.

    Maybe they could deliver lthe ocal kebab house leaflet through people letter boxes as their deformity makes this job a lot easier to lift peoples flaps.

  13. The Queen was educated at home until she joined the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service as part of the war effort. Joining the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service was the first time the Queen had been educated as part of a group and decided that her own children should be educated with the public.

    Prince Charles has a degree in anthropology and archaeology. Prince William has a degree in Geography.

    The Royals also need to have an in depth knowledge in the way the country is run as the Queen plays a significant role in this.

  14. Even as royals, the Queen, her husband Prince Philip, her children and some of grandchildren all did some type of work for the community. During the gap year of Prince William and Prince Harry, they spend months in other countries learning all sorts of skills and trades.

    During Prince Harry's gap year, he spent three months working on a ranch in southern Queensland, Australia. He learnt how to handle cattle and repair damaged fences the - basic skills for a "jackeroo" or cattle-hand. He is also travelled and worked in southern Africa. He went to the little-known African mountain kingdom of Lesotho where he visited in an orphanage for children with Aids. The prince also helped build a clinic and road bridge during his trip to Lesotho.

    During Prince William's gap year, he spent the first part of it in the Belize jungle sleeping in a hammock, wearing jungle combats, and eating army rations. He also worked on a farm in the UK before travelling to a remote part of Chile. As a volunteer for the charity Raleigh International, William helped build new walkways and teach English in a mountain village in the south of the country. Prince William said that the favourite part of his gap year was spent working as a farm labourer on a dairy farm in England with an hourly wage of £3.20, rising before dawn to milk cows and “performing mucky jobs” along with everyone else.

  15. Who knows; I think think they deserve more credit than the media gives them.  But without knowing them personally I've kinda got to shrug my shoulders on this one.

    As for the "Pig **** Comment" - well, that says more about the person making the comment than anything else.

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