
If the antiChrist is going to deceive the whole world, how will we know we got one?

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If the antiChrist is going to deceive the whole world, how will we know we got one?




  1. He will claim to be the true God and will appear to come back to life after being killed with a head wound. A false prophet will say he is god and cause fire to fall from heaven on his enemies.

    He will want ever one to receive his mark in the right hand or forehead.

    He will do this in the rebuilt Jewish temple.

  2. we wont know when we got one. thats why you have to hold to your faith and many people will believe in him. but no one will know who he is

  3. No, he will deceive most of the world.  There will be those who refuse the mark.  There will also be at least 144,000 who follow Christ and preach the gospel.  You will know the Antichrist because he will deny that Christ is the Messiah, and will proclaim himself as Messiah and God.  

    More generally, he will be the one who brokers a peace agreement between Israel and the Arab nations - a peace which will last for 3.5 years.

  4. I think that those people who have an inherent spirituality in their make up but I repeat, who are not associated with an organised religion will spot t he fraud immediately. Their powers of commonsense etc are still intact!

  5. Biblically, true followers of Christ will not be fooled.  

  6. those who are of the world will not know...

  7. It is true, the Anti-Christ will be mortally wounded, declared dead and then miraculously come back to Life.  This is satans way of mocking the crucifixtion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, although he'll make it look like a circus act.

    2) The Bible Daniel 11;37 states the Anti-Christ will have no desire for women........g*y??  WOW!!!  So there's another way here to tell.

    3) Physically speaking he will have a withered right arm and a sighless eye, but his aposticies of evil.....will deceive the world.  Matthew 24

    4) The anti-Chrsit is described as a rider on a white horse carrying a "Bow".  It say nothing about any arrows or such.  Revelation 6;1

    If you look at Stong's Concordance on the web you can see where the Greek translation states a "Bow" as the Greek word "Toxon".  In other words there is a relation between Bow and toxon, an inferance that being g*y is toxic.  Remember that the New Testement was written in Greek as well as are many words in english are rooted in Greek.

    Not only that, he will endeavor to deceive the world through "Propoganda"  and here all this time you thought only the Communists did that, right???  Wrong!!!

    Here's an axium to think on;

    People say you need to know your enemy and you need to keep your enemy closer to you than a Friend.

    The Bible says bits and pieces about Satan and the anti-Christ.

    But the Bible says more about Jesus Christ and God the Father and the Holy Spirit than anything else.  Why???

    You don't need to fear your enemy when you have God on your side.

    it's that simple.

  8. This is a good question.  If there is a 7 year tribulation, how will we know when it begins?  

    I am a pre-trib dispensationalist and for this reason, I believe the church age must close before the tribulation.  A Rapture certainly satisfies that requirement and Scripture speaks of an occurrence in several places that could be the Rapture.

    I have a friend who is mid-trib.  She thinks we'll have to go through persecution before the Rapture, and is trying to make some preparations.  I'm too poor and stuck where I am.

    But take heart, believers.  The Bible says something like this in Matthew 24:24:  "they would deceive the very elect, if it were possible."  To me, this is an inference it isn't possible.

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