
If the aztecs had been allowed to thrive,what would earth be like??

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If the aztecs had been allowed to thrive,what would earth be like??




  1. i guess we would still be tearing our enemies hearts out from the tops of pyramids.ouch.yuck.

  2. Huh, they thrived like crazy.

  3. Probably much the same.

    The Aztecs were allowed to thrive. As much as the Incas and the Olmecs and the Mayans and the Toltecs. Sacrifices were common and war between tribes even more so. But their decendants live on in the peoples of Mexico.

    Check out the link below

  4. Not much different from today. Let's say Hernando Cortes and his conquistadors did not conquer the Aztec Empire and never even set foot in present-day Mexico. North America still be probably colonized by the English, French, Dutch, etc. And they are just as technologically advanced as Spain. Since history has been altered, let's say the American Revolution occurs two centuries later and American expansion would eventually reach Mexico many more years later. The Aztec Empire would have probably expanded by then, but are still technologically inferior to the Americans since they don't have guns and cannons.

    I'm pretty sure you can say that the Americans will wage war with the Aztecs and conquer them. So in the end, the Aztecs would still be conquered. Just not by the Spanish conquistadors, but by the Americans.

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