
If the ball is below your feet for a golf shot-should you aim right as you will automatically hook it left?

by  |  earlier

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Can play decent golf on the level(play off a handicap of 12-mainly due to a half decent short game)-but hopeless with sloping lies at the moment-love some help on this forum.




  1. If the ball is below your feet, it's more likely to fly off to the right than to the left. (for right handed golfers)  You don't necessarily need to aim too far to the left though.  Choke down on your club, bend your knees a little more than usual and take one extra club.  With practice you should be able to hit the ball straight.

  2. If the ball is below your feet chances are you will slice not hook. Sounds like your set up is all wrong. Try changing that theroy you'll be happy you did. I promise.

  3. No because you'll push the ball further right.  The ball being below your feet makes it more difficult to square your club so you have to rotate your lower body more to square the clubface.  Take more club and aim left.

  4. take some lessons and you will learn young grasshopper

  5. Generally with the ball below your feet at address the ball will tend to slice or in your case go to the left, so you should aim a little to the right.  Opposite on an up hill lie, or ball above our feet.

  6. If the ball is below your feet you should aim left because the ball will slice to the right.

  7. You are correct for the most part.  Most people forget that a slice for a lefty, goes to the left and a hook goes to the right.

  8. Below Your Feet Lie Causes Your Shot To Fade Or Slice, Above Your Feet Causes It To Hook. Doesnt Always Work Out That Way Though.

  9. if the ball is below and you hit it properly it will go right, above your feet it will go left.

  10. As a lefty, yes - the ball will slice away (left) from you on a downhill lie.  So, two ways to help correct it.  1 - aim to the right in proportion to the slope & 2 - close your club a bit at address.  You may also be trying to hold your normal upright pose, and this will put you on your heels.  You will need to bend your knees a bit more and give yourself a bit more length on that same club.  For a steeper lie, a longer club and less swing to adjust might help.

    How do you do on uphill lies?

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