
If the bible is the word of God, then why are there different religions, sects and total disagreement within?

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Christianity itself?

And if it's a basis of interpretation, then who's interpretation is right?

One could even accept that the interpretation to reject the bible as falsity, is as valid as any other, so to speak.




  1. No logical connection between your if, and your questions.

    For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?

    God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

  2. There was only one teaching , only one Church, and it came from Christ, Many have fallen into apostasy and now live the life of Heretics.

    One Body was taught but now according to wiki there are 39 thousand Christian sects, and the Bible says why! they have fallen for the lie.

    They have followed false teachers and are unable to come to truth. They are the Darnell in the wheat, sown to destroy the whole harvest, but it is allowed for a time.

    Jesus said my Church will not be prevailed against and it hasn't , it still stands as the greatest defender of truth and life .

  3. Because its a work of fiction?

  4. The bible is the words of a few medeival eastern gentlemen.They thought the earth was flat and the sun sank into the sea.

  5. Apostasy.

    (Acts 20:29-30) . . .I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among YOU and will not treat the flock with tenderness, 30 and from among YOU yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. . .

  6. Hi, Kipper:

    Jesus tells us that there will be division in the Church, the destroyer will plant his people; in fact, read about Judas' betrayal.

    And Paul tells us why in 1 Corinthians 11:19   "For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you."

    God will bring everything into judgment, so it will all work out, but for now, we must be content to live in an imperfect church.

    Meanwhile, God hid part of the Bible, closed up "until the end of the days."  You can now read the encoded message at  It will explain why millions were killed in the name of God, and greater problems are coming.

    Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua

  7. The Word is the Word. How people interpret it, is a different question.

  8. We live in a free market society so we must have competition ... You pick the faith of your choice.. it is on "free will"...

  9. Because Bible is not ONLY the word of God---there are other books (or words) & that's why so many religions exist.  

  10. Because the bible is a collection of stories, poems and songs that were written by men, edited by men, debated by men, sorted by men, rejected by men, and re-written by men.

    Perhaps some of these men believed they were being guided by god but at the end of the day they each had their own agendas, prejudices and faults.

    There is not even a standard version of the bible to rely upon for Christians.

    Its all very silly

  11. Very few people choose to accept Scripture.  Scripture is very clear about a lot of things.  For instance, YHVH set apart the Seventh day for rest and worship.  Do you choose to follow Him, or do you choose to follow the Catholic church, which changed that?  Likewise, if you study it out, Baptism-- "they went down into the water, and they came back up"-- doesn't sound like sprinkling.  Since people choose not to follow Scripture, or the mighty one of Scripture YAHOSHUA, they change things to suit themselves, and now we have 3800 'denominations' all teaching error.

  12. While there are differences between the denominations, most of the basic doctrines agreed upon by the early catholic church are still accepted by all. The principles contained within the Apostles' Creed, are also universally accepted. This creed is recited in hundreds of thousands of Christian churches around the world every Sunday, regardless of denomination. It is important not to become so preoccupied with the minor differences between the denominations that we overlook their broad areas of agreement. While some of the doctrinal differences that exist have produced serious perversions of the Gospel, there are other aspects to the presence of a wide range of viewpoints that are positive. Because of denominational differences, there are a variety of practical approaches to Christian living.

  13. if Jack skipped to the market, If jack ran to the market, if Jack crawl to the market, if Jack drove to the market. in reality it doesnt matter how jack got to the market as long as he got to the market. the church is so messed up because they take the bible out of context and instead of getting to the point of the matter, like in my example of Jack getting to the market, the church take it where Jack is no longer going to the market but is going to the library. God doesnt care how we get to point a to point b as long as we are on the same path with him and this is where the bible becomes a problem because rather jack got to the store from hopping, skipping, running or crawling, he makes it to the market and not the library.  

  14. Because most people would prefer to follow their own ideas rather than the Bible.

    Take a few examples:

    Matthew 6:9 says, "You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified."

    Jesus here shows that we must pray to his father, God.  Nowhere in the Bible does anyone pray to another person.  Yet, some churches will teach that it is acceptable to pray to Mary.  Is this a question of interpretation, do you think?  Are there scriptures that raise doubt about whether it's God or Mary to whom we should be praying?  No.  But the church leaders know that praying to Mary is more popular among the female members of the church, so they keep it anyway.

    1 Corinthians 6:9,10 says, "What! Do you not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom."

    'Fornicators' refers to people having s*x without being married, or to someone other than their spouse.  ( )  Now do you often hear churches taking a hard line on this?  The Bible made it very clear - people who willingly did such things were unrighteous and, unless they turned around and changed their ways (as the next verse showed that they could), had no place in the congregation.  There isn't a lot of room for interpretation there, is there?  Yet, how many Catholic, Anglican or other supposedly 'Christian' youths do you think regularly commit fornication - and how likely do you think it is that their church will tell them that they must stop doing it or leave the church?

    Finally, Matt 24:14, Matt 28:19,20, Rom 10:13-15 are just a few of the scriptures that highlight the importance of Christians going out and spreading to others the truth about God - but how often do you see most churches doing this?  Or how much do you think most churches encourage their followers to do this?

    These things aren't matters of interpretation.  They're matters of most churches being willing to go directly against the Bible in order to fit in with their own wishes.

    The reason there's lots of religions is simply that people have lots of varying wishes, and so lots of different ways that it suits them to go against the Bible.

  15. Bible interpretation and audacity, would explain the different denominations of Christianity.

  16. One would think that an all-powerful deity could manage to put his word into a form that couldn't be interpreted a thousand different ways.

  17. God is omnipotent, but apparently can't write a coherent sentence for sh*t.

  18. bingo

  19. God did inspire all who wrote the Bible.  The disagreement comes from the wickedness of man's heart.

    The Bible itself says it is not open for private interpretation (2Peter) so no one can interpret it, it says what it means.

  20. The debate centres around who's interpretation is right. Answer that one for everybody and for muslims too and you'd make the world a better, safer place.

  21. interesting,


    The Wicked attend church and love a weak and floppy christian.

    The bible teaches in the last days there will be false teachers and prophets, in church there are those who are there not to do GODs right, but Satans Wrong.

    People go to Church and form groups for all kinds of reasons.


    IT CAN BE QUITE QUITE BORING FOR CHRISTIANS TO LISTEN TO SUCH AMAZING AND WEAK , Bland and offensively pointless comment, quite quite brutally DEAD and FLAT. Thats AMAZING.

  22. Denominations, or divisions within the body of Christ are created by narrow minded men who base their religion on a very few Scriptures instead of taking the entire Word of God as council (they would disagree). For instance; the Baptists are stuck on water baptism. The Catholics are stuck on confession. The JWs are stuck on works. The Faith movement is stuck on prosperity and being slain in the spirit. Each denomination has specific Scriptures that they exalt above all others to an extreme. Each of these things are mentioned in the Bible and have their place (maybe), but to base a whole religion around them is unbalanced. These divisions are not what God intended.

  23. Because there are no rules when interpreting nonsense.

  24. I think different cultures, different upbringings, etc... You know how a story can get bigger and bigger and change from each person that tells it.

    I like your question. I don't know that anyone will ever have the answer to that one.

  25. Are you the big Kipper or the little Kipper?

    Anyhow this pretty much explains it and the fact of free will.

    M't:7:13: Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

    M't:7:14: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

  26. without a good understanding of the background, aka judaism, christian texts make no sense; hence the mass confusion  

  27. It's all BS...yes!  ALL of it!

    Just a medieval control mechanism which has split, evolved and become more sophisticated over the last several hundred years!

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