
If the bible is the word of God and you have to hear the word of God not merely read it. then surely?

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there would be no disagreement within denominations, in fact, separation would not exist? Other religions etc?




  1. That is due to the fact that Satan has infiltrated many cults(counterfeits).Also,if a person is not saved then they will not understand the Bible in its context.It has to be Spiritually discerned.

  2. well if the bible and the other holy books were not perverted then what u r saying maybe right.

  3. babylon  

  4. Do you mean getting the Bible on CD?

    Or do you mean praying to God to give you understanding of scripture? Why not just accept the mythical base of the Bible and enjoy it for what it is? Granted that there are many translations, a lot of which are biased towards the beliefs of a particular Sect; but praying for guidance is a way of deluding myself that my own biases are right.

    That wouldn't help disagreement about interpretations.

  5. Could "hear' have anything to do with understanding?

  6. that's a big if.

  7. Why are you looking at others?

    It is for you to hear.

    To those who can hear there is no disagreement.

    If you can hear then you will know how to deal with the others.

  8. are you 17

    or maybe 18 annd  just about to start art school.

    i know it's practically september and theres girls on the horizon, but please



  9. Well,,,,  SIN does still reign in this ol' wicked place you know.

  10. your avatar creeps me out...

    that's the thing. 20,000 protestant denomination and EVERYONE claims "they have the holy spirit"

  11. it is more a myth than fact that diff denominations disagree on the word. all dont. our denomination fellowships with others and not just to try to convert but because of the love of God.the bible says other sheep I have that are not of this fold them I must call also.if people would stay in the will of God rather than trying to dispute the word we all would be better off.

  12. No to your addition. I must work hard to focus or "discern". For me discernment is not a given.

  13. Oh Dear one. We do NOT disagree on the word. We all agree that God is God.. And that the bible is basic instructions for us to survive here on earth.. Contrary to popular belief, We did not get a packet of *INSTANT HOLY* and a bottle of * INSTANT GOD`S KNOWLEDGE* the second we decided to follow God.  

    The other things you mention are a matter of which church club you belong to. You see Churches have become clubs. "You can`t be in my club if you wear make up" , " you can`t be part of my club, If you eat meat on Fridays" , "You can`t be in my club if you have long hair and a tattoo". They have so lost contact with God it is amazing. God does not care what you wear or don`t wear.. To please your church club..

    God is NOT Catholic, or Baptist or Methodist. He doesn`t care what club you belong to. He cares about your essence (your inner person).. He love you and wants to have a personal relationship with YOU.. He doesn`t need you to be perfect. He never asked for perfection.. He just asks that you love him and believe Jesus lived and died to cover your sins.. That is it, in a nutshell..

    Peace and Blessings from Texas <><

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