
If the big companies like bp and british gas etc say they make 3million profit aweek then why do they keep?

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putting prices up every week ?and why dont the goverments do something to stop them?if they plan to cap the big 4 supermarkets then why not the other big 1s




  1. # 1 The dumb Government

    # 2 Greed

  2. The governent will do nothing about it, as there making so much money off of the vat.

  3. How many times does the Prime minister went to Africa AKA

    the Middle East?? well do you see how often the President, the Security of states and many other Politician of the United States visited that war spot??. Well they are getting ready to

    leave there addresses where they are livening now so they are getting there things to gather I mean there BIG BUX, there

    illegal purse, there HUNDREDS  OF BILLIONS of $$$ so that's why all

    of those trips..All palliation's know whats going on so we will

    to make our voices be herd before any thing will get better in this world!!.

  4. You are mistaken, they don't put prices up every week.

    What products do they plan to cap in the supermarkets? You need to give a reference.

    Oil companies make profits for their shareholders

  5. They set prices to what they believe will maximize their profits. If enough people refuse to pay it, or seek cheaper transportation, the prices can come back down.

    Why don't the governments stop them? Well, for one, they haven't broken any laws. It isn't illegal to make money by selling a legal product to the public, no matter how much profit you've made off of the venture.

    Further, if the government enforces an arbitrarily low price, and the price of oil products continues to rise, the companies will be forced to reduce their staff, forcing us further into a recession.  And it won't be the well-paid executives that get the'll be the clerks who don't make much to begin with that find themselves in the unemployment lines.

    Finally, the rising gas prices are mostly the result of the cost of oil going up worldwide, not the companies themselves.  It's not like the company managers woke up one morning and realized that they could charge a lot more money. If they went back down to the prices of a couple years ago, they'd be in serious financial trouble in a very short time frame.

    Yes, they are posting incredible profits, but these profits are comparable to other companies of the same size. This means that, from a strictly business standpoint, they are charging the correct price based on their cost of business. That doesn't mean we have to like it, though.

  6. if we pull out of this stupid war thing going on, maybe prices will start to decrease.  Bring Home Our Troops!

  7. I totally agree with you..They are greedy....but the Government wont step in because they make money out of them for keeping prices up...

  8. The government do nothing about it because they get there cut out of every increase, i.e. the vat on fuel. There excuse for putting the price up, is that the price of a barrel of crude oil keeps going up. Its bought in dollars and with the dollar being weak it keeps going up every day. They can't let there profit margins drop. The other answer is that there greedy.

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