
If the bread is stale what do you eat?

by  |  earlier

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If the bread is stale what do you eat?




  1. Put it in a microwave for a few seconds......freshens it up again.

  2. Stale bread.

  3. Bread pudding.

  4. croutons

  5. Stale bread is fine - just cut out the blue/green mouldy bits.

  6. Toast

  7. Oat cakes or crackers.. or sometimes cereal =]

  8. Crackers. I usually have a package of Triscuits and a package of Wasa bread in the cupboard for these kind of bread problems. Actually my problem is just running out of bread, because I keep it in the freezer and toast a couple of pieces at a time when I need them, so it always stays fresh!

  9. Toast.

  10. d**n!

    Go to the d**n store & BUY a fresh loaf of bread & devour it!!  

    While you're there, find out if you can purchase a can of COMMON SENSE, it won't hurt to ask!  

  11. You don't eat. You starve.

  12. This is when I get the cheese out.

  13. obviously not the bread =/

  14. cake

  15. yup not the bread maybe sum pudding (not bread pudding- just pudding)

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