
If the canadians are descendents of the british why?

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it is well known that the bloodiest people in the history of the world are the british (remember the pirates, riders, etc, etc). Then how can you explain the "fame" the canadians have about beeing peaceful and quiet????




  1. Simple. Canadians aren't the Brittish. Besides, you're giving the brits a bum rap, I mean, if you controlled almost the entire world and were the center for trends in politics, fashion and everything else in the west for hundreds of years, people would say the same about us. Besides, how do you explain Americans by that reasoning?

  2. Canadians became Peacekeepers after WW2. Before that Canadians were fighting wars alongside The British when Britain was still an Empire . There was a detachment of Canadians at Rourke's Drift.  

    Fast forwarding to WW2 Canadians fought in the liberation of The Netherlands [Holland].  Now they are fighting as part of N.A.T.O. in Afghanistan if My leg is not being pulled.

  3. Its cuz they are actually French lol!!! that should explain a lot.

  4. free health care and areas of legal marijuana to be frank, but we do have our rough spots (hockey fights via drinking) and different spots of canada have different descendents

  5. I don't know where to start on your "facts", but you need to read up on some history

  6. it seems that their govt is actually about making life better for it's citizens.

    they mind their own business... and aren't caught up in creating an empire.

  7. Lol we are the decendents of not only the British.  The french settled here first... kinda.. .well its a hard spot, but basically we were settled the same time as the 13 colonies, and we got the french mixed in with us...  And we also got a lot of the americans who did not want to rise up against the British in the War of Independence (1812 was it?) so we got a lot of peacefull ppl from back then... Plus thats kind of a stereo type, not all of us are quiet :P

  8. they have remained peaceful in the area of canada. you dont need to worry about before they were in canada.

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