
If the climate continues to cool, should we crank out more CO2?

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AGW fanatics claim reducing CO2 will decrease temp (actually it will do nothing as per the Kyoto Protocol). In light of this, will they turn around and demand more CO2 output if the current cooling continues. Let's face it, living under a mile of ice is much worse than sitting on the beach drinking Pina Coladas.




  1. That's alright, the loss of plant life will insure higher CO2 levels...until animal life starts dropping off...

  2. good idea, im tired of freezing my butt off. How can they say there is global warming. bull!!!!! These idiots need to quit wasting our tax dollars. so what if 1 million years from now we sweat a little. These hypocondriacs p**s me off. we went through an ice age way back. its all part of nature and we are not going to change it no matter how much tax money we waste.

  3. No. We will need to conserve our fossil fuels.

    There may be some benefit in increasing our nuclear power output, but none in indiscriminately consuming fossil fuels that we would need to use selectively to deal with lower temperatures.

  4. Well since CO2 has nothing to do with global warming I think it would be a waste of time. Maybe we could get the Canadians to light fires along the border to keep the glaciers from creeping into the US.

  5. It would be fantastic if you could explain this question to me and others.

    In fact, it would be fantastic if you could explain absolutely anything about Global Warming to me!

    I would be fascinated too, to know where you get your information from.

  6. You don't have 2 clues to rub together, do you?

  7. Why do you use the term "fanatic" when referring to most people in the developed World? Climate change has long been recognised and accepted outside of a small minority of Americans.

    No one will demand more co2 if the largely localised cooling continues - I can assure you that it has not been colder around here this winter than has been normal but we have experienced higher wind speeds and more rain.

  8. we may have to reactivate the anti global cooling plan we had in the70s, to coat the polar ice with carbon black so it will absorb solar radiation instead of reflecting it back into space.

    I'm sure al bore would sell us some of the carbon he has collected, at a slight mark up of course, you know just enough to cover his expenses & pay his utility bill. a few billion should do it.

  9. LOL...great question. I wish it were true.  Here in Ohio we have had one of the coldest winters on record.  I would love to join you on the beach with a couple of babes and a few cold ones, in the middle if Janurary.  CO2 has nothing to do with global warming, i just love reading all these brain washed answers above.

  10. The climate isn't cooling.  Fact.

    Weather factors can overcome global warming for a short time.  It happened in 1982, 1991-1992, 1999-2000.  EVERY TIME global warming came back stronger than ever.  Proof.

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    As long as we keep making greenhouse gases in enormous amounts, global warming will dominate in the long run.  It's simple physics.

  11. Hmmm... Have you ever heard of the La Nina? Probably not. Well, global warming is real, and it is bad, so I suggest you conserve fuel and energy.

  12. Parts of Europe are setting records for heat.  You do realize the United States is not the whole world, right?

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