
If the computer software in Online Blackjack follows a "pattern", can u keep record and beat it?

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You know how these online casinos use certain types of software to program their Blackjack games? Well each software could be googled up online and they each have their own "strategy guideline chart" which they have no prob showing you. Regardless of the what each individual guideline chart says, the software still has the choice of s******g you over whether you follow the rules/chart or not.

WELL, what if you pick a certain online Blackjack site that uses a certain software and continuously use Practice Mode until you have kept track of every possible dealer/player combination? Meaning if you get one combo wrong, you make note of the CORRECT answer so that you could do it the next time the computer REPEATS that same combo. Get it? There can't be too many combinations here, we're talking the number 21 for christ's sake, not the lottery #s 1-56 or whatever. I've been trying it so far and found that the computer DOES indeed repeat itself! Sometimes though, it has two different right answers to some combos.

Just think, if this works, you'll have the ACTUAL ANSWERS as opposed to following some stupid chart with no guarantee. Thoughts?




  1. yeah but it's probably programmed for millions of patterns.

  2. I see sometimes patterns, but when you think youve saw it all, the patterns will change. Its impossible to beat it

  3. It wouldn't be that easy. If there was money involved, you will not get to it.

    Most Online card games are based on a random number generator.  There is no pattern to recognize, it is random.

    Even if there were some sort of pattern, no human would be able to recognize it.

  4. I've tested many casino software packages against government regulatory guidelines and I can assure you there are no patterns. Each hand of BJ is usually reseeded based on some complex algorithms (which in part include the date/time).

    You're about 10 years too late, I seem to remember back in about 1998 there were cases of this, but that's well and truly gone now I'm afraid.

    The reason why there are different strategy charts for different casino software platforms is that there are many different rule variations you can use in BJ (number of decks used, what the dealer does in different situations, whether you can split or double, insurance etc.) and each software platform has different combinations of these rules, so that changes basic strategy accordingly.

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