
If the creators of the Creationist Museum are creationists, how far is that from Cretin?

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Ballpark figure will do.




  1. The speed of light constancy applies to a vacuum. In Bose-Einstein condensates, it gets slowed down, and even stopped by smart scientist.

    As far as Cretionism goes the inanity is not exclusive.

    How many times have reputable scientist rejected new ideas? The answer is, most of the time. Plate tectonics was not accepted for decades, the Big Bang took a long time to be accepted.

    Be gentle with the Cretins, they are being pounded by fear and peer pressure.

  2. It's several letters removed, clearly. Too many letters, in fact, for it to be an amusing pun.

  3. on the money

  4. Don't make me come over there.

    Hand me the remote will ya?

  5. Why are you bashing Cretinists, next thing you know you'll go after Retardapalians, Droolistians and Morons... Such intollerance.

  6. Have you seen the video on Youtube about the Creationist Museum in Kentucky?  Turns out, they built that monstrosity on top of one of the coolest, most famous fossil beds in the United States.  I worked down that way on an archaeological dig, and we were finding limestone with nice fossils all over the place, just in people's fields.  It's too bad that their faith is so weak that they have to deny science and everything we've found out about God's creation with our God-given brains rather than accept that maybe a book could be wrong.

  7. Bout dat far!

  8. Next door.

  9. Santa is returning soon, are you prepared?!

  10. Hmmm sounds like you are truly afraid of the evidence there. Can’t debunk it so just crack a joke or two and it will all go away.

    I think I'll go take a look at what they have that's got you so worried.

  11. Look I did all the R&S stuff today to say their all bonkers so don't you start too.

    gee the doors looked similar. go figure.

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