
If the current healthcare system is flawed b/c corporate interests why is socialized healthcare an improvement

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since corporate interests dominate Government anyway




  1. It's not. The real problem in the delivery of health care is that it is a contract of unequal bargaining power. The health care provider determines what is wrong with you, what it will take to fix it and what it will cost. Your role is to accept your medicine (no pun intended). Your insurance carrier has some sway in this, but only if that carrier is one which a lot of providers are dependent upon for payment. An example is Medicare setting the price instead of the provider. Take it or leave it.

    If the government becomes both the provider of care and the payer of care, there will be rationing. Norway, with a population of about seven million and oodles of oil revenues to sweeten the pot still has a quarter million waiting on elective surgery lists. For things like eye surgery, the provincial health plan in Quebec Province Canada is really Plattsburg New York. When Mulroney was Prime Minister of Canada even he had to ship his mother to Miami for open-heart surgery. If she had waited in her province of Quebec she would have been dead before the surgery.  

  2. the largest part would be that everyone would be covered...

    also, the government just couldn't quite write a blank check for the costs of services as many insurance companies have been doing...

    overall, according to studies... it still works better on average... cost vs. quality, when compared to American care...

  3. The health-care industry is not flawed nor is it broken. These are all socialist lies. Should people get something for nothing? Insurance companies, pharmacatical companies, hospitals, doctors. All of these things are for profit, they was not created to give handouts to people to lazy to work, oh but you ask what about the laid-off worker? getting laid off is his fault, in addition they offer cobra benifits using this the worker can continue his present insurance. It will probably cost between $500-1500 per month. Everyone needs to quit whining about their rights, what about the rights of the corporations and businesses.

    The agenda for big business

    abolish 40 hr work wk

    abolish overtime pay

    abolish federal minimum wage or  raise prices so high it won't matter

    abolish all trade  unions

    abolish all child labor laws

    have no accountability of way business is ran or conducts business to any goverment agency.

  4. The current system definitely needs an overhaul. The biggest problem is that it's not affordable. I'm not sure I have the answer to fixing it but I do know one thing... Everything that the government gets involved in they s***w up. ie... Medicare, Social Security, border control, war on drugs, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Most of the people in government don't really give a d**n about your health let alone your health care. The only reason it is on their agenda is to drum up voter support. Socialized medicine is just another way for big brother to make sure your being a good little voter. They will ask"how are we going to pay for this", then they will be taxing restaurants and candy makers for contributing to our obesity crisis. They will begin putting restrictions on coverage, maybe because you smoke.

    The whole Socialized medicine theory is a feel good idea but has no place in a free market society.  

  5. Look abroad where health outcomes are better.

    The USA spends more money on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet.  Despite that, it has one of the industrialised worlds highest death rates for kids aged under five.

    If you want to keep the current death rate of kids, keep your system.  If you want to reduce the number of American kids dying due to the healthcare system in the US, learn from countries with lower death rates, countries with universal healthcoverage.

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