
If the current view is TOLERATION ...why do people talk badly about religions trying to follow Jesus closely?

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  1. The world view is that people can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt others

    The christian view is that people are held accountable for their sins, whether it only affects them or not

    People don't like this, so they lash out at christianity because they don't like the idea of the held accountable.

  2. some people don't think beyond their noses..  

  3. they dont want to repent..

  4. Your question could open hours of debate.  Obviously there is no answer that is 100% factual for this issue as it relates to faith and personal beliefs.

    Common enemies bring groups together to rally around a central issue.  In your example you specifically mention homosexuals.  Homosexuals have been the rallying force behind evangelical Christians politics for the past 8 years or more.  Other groups may rally against religions that are Christian in belief but do not follow the mainstream American Christian structure.  The Jehovah’s Witness and LDS are two examples of Christian faiths that are generally shunned or labeled cults by other Christians.

    My own belief is that most people that profess to be Christians and follow the ways of Jesus do not.  Those that devoutly do are misunderstood as are the devote Jews and Muslims in this country. Most people that call themselves religious are simply puppets of the pulpit blindly following orders of pastors and priests with human agendas laced with pride, vanity, and hate.  It is easy to pick on these types of people as they do not understand what their own holy book has to say about how they should structure there life and treat others.  I believe that if everyone in the world lived a life like Jesus (regardless of their religion of philosophy) we would all be in a better place.

    Radical Christians have given many moderate Christians a bad name as they promote a political agenda filled with hate.  (something Jesus certainly would not condone)  They used communist, g**s, and Muslims as cries for political and social change.  As good Christians it is everyone’s duty to look out for the little guys and the oppressed and to fight for their freedoms regardless of religious affiliation or other social standings (as Jesus did).

    Best of luck to finding an answer that makes sense to this huge issue in your life.


  5. Tolerance is wanted only by those who wish to do wrongly.  Truth is always divisive.  2+2=4 means that all other answers are incorrect.  Jesus is the way means that all other ways are incorrect.  People refuse to accept that even though there is no other way.

  6. Because although tolerance is taught to Christianity religions, it is rarely practiced.

  7. I just saw a CD advertised: "Rock'n Roll Jesus".

    Nobody would dare make a CD entitled: "Rock 'n Roll Yahweh", or "Rock 'n Roll Allah"; because it is disrespectful and hurtful and Jews and Muslims would be up in arms if people did that.

    People can respect the sanctity of any religion, but Christianity, and specifically the name of Jesus, is up for any type of mockery that people feel like.

    You will never hear in movies anybody blaspheming Allah, Mohammed, or Buddha, or anyone.  But Jesus can be a curse word.  Not only is it presented as acceptable in movies to use the name of Jesus as a curse word, it is presented as funky and fashionable.

    There is a DEFINITE lack of political correctness in how people treat Christianity.

  8. Because religion has left many people's thinking in the Bronze Age, and they want to impose that thinking on our children in the education system. Pah!

  9. You can criticize whatever you want. You can criticize what i believe in, and i can criticize what you believe in.

    If i think your religion is a humanification of astrology, and how the sun travels through the different "consolations" throughout the year, related to the climate during the time of the year, i can say that.

    If you think I am wrong, you can say that,

    But where the line is crossed is when one says that not only is someone wrong, but they are wicked, evil, possessed, etc. This is what happens when you say that the bible says that homosexuality is wicked.

    And we should be able to question any other religion too. We technically can. Just that the other religions are not as nice as yours, and are much more cut-throat and intolerant than yours, and its members will attack you for criticizing their beliefs. Which neither you or me will do if someone intelligently and respectfully questions each others beliefs.

  10. You can find Christian, Muslims, or any other form of organized religion that would say the same things.  We all feel that our faith is infringed upon because we naturally feel that ours is the true way.  If you stick your neck out to extend your beliefs to others you have to expect people to take a swing at it.  You feel as I do that you have something that will not only make peoples life better now, but in the hereafter.  To keep it to yourself would be a crime.  But to express it you have to realize that it opens yourself up for spiritual warfare.  Why wouldn't Satan want to fight against it?  I am a Christian and believe that some of the Jehovah's witnesses interpretations are wrong.  But, I don't deny you the freedom to peaceably express it.

  11. because the current view is not true. seems the people who scream the loudest for tolerance almost invariably are the same ones who heap the most disrespect. funny how that works, innit? actions speak louder.

  12. So, you think it is not fair that you can not use Christianity as a means to be intolerant.. Great for you...  

    Perhaps if you were to think about it for a bit,  you might realize the reason people are so intolerant of a lot of Christians is because a lot of Christians are intolerant in the first place.

    If most Christians were a little more tolerant of others, then you would see a lot less attacks on your faith.

  13. Jesus said, "If the world hate you, you know that it hated me before you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of this world, but I have chosen you out of this world, therefore the world hates you.


  14. I worked closely with a group of Jehovah's Witnesses filling in for an Accountant whose daughter was going through brain surgery.  I was there for about 6 months.  I only learned their religious choice about a month before the job was over.  

    They were very fun people to work with and changed my view of the religion tremendously.  I did ask many questions about their beliefs and practices.  I am a person of a curious nature and always find out more from person to person contact about the beliefs of another religion.  

    Just like other religions (even though it is Christianity) it is not the one the person doing the judging believes in.  Just as Catholics tend to shun the rest, and Baptist shun the methodist... so on... It is the way of the religions.

  15. Has your religion not been behind the recent push to deny homosexuals there civil rights? Do christian websites condemning all sorts of lifestyles not coexist on the internet? Didn't your own jesus plagiarize the Buddha by saying "Do not point out the speck in anothers eye while there is a log in your own eye?"

  16. I'll tell you when I see a religion try to follow Jesus closely.

    I've never seen one do so.

    ...keeping out of government, being concerned only with the religions of your people, being literate in your scripture... I mean...Jews come close.....but not any other religion.

    Then you have the whole loving your neighbor thing, healing the sick, clothing the naked, feeding the masses.....

    Edit: No, JWs violate Xenia. In fact, a traditional reading of the Bible shows that violation of guestrite was the sin of Sodom, so coming house to house and demanding to know people inside is pretty much right out.

  17. Lets make it clear as crystal.

    I dont care how on fire you are for god.

    I dont care how fanatical you get about it.

    I'm delighted that you've come to

    know God and its made a difference

    in your life.

    But being fanatical for god, and being

    god's voice does not involving spewing

    hate and garbage and filth.

    Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

    The book of Romans defines God as love.

    Judgement is for God it is not for you.

    When you say such things, your not

    following Jesus' footsteps, your are

    trying to be God.

    Hate drives people away from God, it

    does not bring them to God, and you

    accomplish nothing, by being a bigot.

  18. simply because; the way you want to follow your jesus closely happen to infringe on other people's rights and peace.. you are attacked because you violated us in the first place.

    when you come around to learn how to keep your religion to yourself (and out of the society) then, i assure you shall merit the tolerance you have been looking for.

    please realize that your bible is nothing but an old book to us; respect that with it ...and i shall live you alone.. promise.

  19. I AM Politically Incorrect and highly intolerant.


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