
If the death penalty was re-introduced in Britain?

by Guest65245  |  earlier

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Would these people stop carrying knives? Is it time to go the whole way and get really tough with murderers and peodophiles, terrorists etc.? Really show em they have something to fear if they get caught




  1. Yes! As soon as possible. It's about time we went back to the good, old Britain we hear 'stories' of. It almost seems like a myth now when you look around you and you don't see Britain but something else. Gangs of Yobs on every corner, crime rates increasing... bring it back ASAP.

  2. Well it doesn't stop people carrying knives and guns in America and China where they have the death penalty, so why will it stop people here?

    In fact when we had the death penalty in the UK there were people carrying guns and knives, so it didn't work here before, why would it deter people now>

  3. Yes.  Re-introduce it.  Your other respondents have put forward stupid answers for saying 'No'.  If I had the power I would hang every criminal.

  4. The death penalty hasn't made the USA any safer..

  5. The death penalty does not stop murders killing.

    it is time to review how prison carry treat such offenders.

    Of course we do not wish to emulate countries like the USA, where prisons absolutely fail to rehabilitate inmates.

    There is no easy answer, and for every one who asks for the death penalty to be instituted, would they be prepared to act as the executioner?

    If so, then what does this make them!

  6. It saddens when I read about these cowards being able to take the lifes of truly innocent people, I think the government should give them some sort of national service and believe me when I say it turns boys into men.

  7. The death penalty in this country can never be re-introduced. It is specifically prohibited under Protocol 13 of the European Convention of Human Rights.

  8. Yes .Yes.  yes and yes...

  9. Despite the fact that I am really a gentle soul and abhor violence and killing of all kinds whatever the reason... I have one question: Trish. Will you marry me? Of course it is time we got tough. The criminals do what they like and to who and government makes noises but do nothing about it.

    They don't care that the lives of decent people are being wrecked and ruled by lowlife thugs, or that they laugh at the law and society knowing not much will hapen to them.

    I read an article some years ago that reported the outcome of a trial of a man convicted of theft some centuries ago and the judge said: "You will be taken from this place, to a place of execution, where you will have rocks heaped upon you until you can bear no more, then further rocks shall be heaped upon you until you expire."

    Now, I'm not advocating returning to such barbarism, but isn't it time we taught the wrongdoers that the decent majority are in charge and that they d**n well will learn to respect us OR BLOODY ELSE!

    What happens now, is some young bully beats up an old lady for her handbag and gets 20 hours community service which he doesn't do anyway and then he sues whoever caught him in the first place for assault and gets ten grand compensation because his human rights were infinged.

    It's all true, but you couldn't make it up, could you?

    I could cry...

  10. Yes, but probably 50% of people hanged would be black males. Ergo: charges of racism. So the courts would have to hang MORE white people, just to keep the ethnic quotas balanced - as not to upset the liberals.

  11. It would not make a difference. The death penalty does not work as a deterrent, most people who commit murder and violent crimes are not in a mental state to rationally take into consideration the consequences.

  12. The death penalty does not deter crime, as demonstrated in the USA. Even if capital punishment did act as a deterrence to would-be criminals, I would object to it's implementation in the UK on the grounds that it infringes on the most basic of human rights - the right to life.

  13. Absolutely.  My only addition to that new law would be that all rapists and pedophiles get castrated to prevent any further rape/pedophilia crimes.  Catration is a much bigger deterrent than simple jail time.

  14. It certainly wouldn't stop modern terrorists whose aim is to die in an attack anyway.

    It probably wouldn't reduce any kind of crime significantly.

    In the days when people were publicly hanged for theft, pickpockets were at their most active at public hangings. That tells you how effective the death penalty was.

  15. Death peanalty should be reintroduced but it will not have effect on the current climate we now live in. The government are to soft on criminals and the human rights liberals would throw a serious wobbly, probably say death sentences bad for your carbon footprint or some nonsense like that. And is it really wise putting these toe rags into the Army, and then arming them with guns. They wouldn't last a week.

  16. A death penalty fro carrying a knife? But you could then be hung for carrying kitchen knives.

    Most murderers do not set out to kill someone, and they think of the law after they have killed a person, so they would not have been deterred.

    Paedophiles are quite literally 'sick in the head' and do not usually remember that the law applies to them so it would not deter them.

    Suicide Bombers are out to kill themselves anyway so it would not deter them, and the Al Queda etc. (the big guns) don't normally even go into the UK.

    I do support the death penalty though for serial killers, assassins, proven paedophiles and serial rapists.

  17. No just look at states in USA where the death penalty is in force.  There are still murders, assaults and people still carry weapons.

  18. No they wouldn't - but it would reduce the number of multiple-reoffence REPEAT offenders, this plus their evil nature that led them to steal, kill or hurt people in the 1st place is why I would now favour a humane death penalty.

  19. For those who say the Death Penalty does not deter crime in the U.S.

    It's not that death penalty states have the highest crime because the deterence doesn't work. It's because of who lives in those states. The high crime states also have large concentrations of blacks.

    The Death Penalty actually works very well.

  20. complete & utter death is a bit harsh, isn't it?

    why not just cut off their offending 'bits'?

    knives - hands

    peodophiles - entire genitalia

    NWO - heads

  21. Crikey, the BNP flog 'em and hang' em brigade is out tonight in force Trish...

    A great example of why they will never become a political force in the UK so thanks for highlighting that at least.

  22. hey Trish,the Uk is almost doomed ! your politicians are about to kill you.your country is about to be taken over by muslims.what is going to wake up our British brothers before you are doomed !political correctness,possible sharia law,kids punished for not praising allah ! is the country going really are running on empty...............

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