
If the democrats are so convinced that the American people want their socialist agenda?

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then why do they keep on trying to put it into a conservative framework?

Why do they want to package their socialist policies in a conservative package?

You hear Obama talking about his healthcare and how people will still have a choice

Well that is conservatism, givng people a choice

We all know that the democrats agenda is about taking choice away from us

Look at Hillary wanting to garnish peoples wages

How about Obama's talk on taxes

He keeps on trying to tell us he is cutting taxes

Obama is a liar

He is trying to talk like a conservative

and fool the dummies out there into thinking that he is not the real socialist that he is

Why is Obama and the democrats trying to fool us?




  1. the democrats are trying to sneak therir socialist agenda in through the back door

    wake up time for the American voter

    you'd better start listening to wehat these people are really saying

    before it is too late

  2. I think you answered your own questions.  It's all BS.  I just hope enough of the american people realize it.

  3. someone I know recently took a trip around the usa visiting all the national parks, they told me all about how at every convience stop, every shopping store, every place they stayed the night at, the conversations were mostly about the politics and the news of the day and one couldn't help but overhear how real middle America is NOT having the wool pulled over their eyes by this con artist and no, not a one of them said they were voting for obama, not in all the 46 states this person visited all this last summer at all. kind of gives credence to the lying liberal media doesn't it.  

  4. If you call wanting to take this country out of the hands of fascists and give it back to the people, socialist, than I really feel sorry for you.

  5. He is moving the center to try to win more swing votes.

  6. Average American is like the child of the family (Nixon), the

    ability to make the wrong choice is always here,

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