
If the determinant = 0, this means...?

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If the determinant = 0, this means...?




  1. If you can solve it, it means that it has got the same number of colums and rows. It comes from a matrix mxn and m=n.

    If you are dealing with 2x2 dimension matrix, it means that


    A number called µ exists and both vectors have got the same direction and sense though not the same length. We can only define a line with one vector or two points.

    Using a bit of logic we can do it for three vectors.

    If you´re dealing with 3x3 matrix, it means that


    which says that one vector is correlated to the other two. Here we can define a plane or a flat surface or field using two vectors in the space.

  2. The matrix is singular and not of full rank.

  3. If the determinant is zero this means matrix is singular and the solution set of the equations which form the matrix can not be obtain.

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