Now let me make myself perfectly clear, I am not prejudice, a bigot, nor do I pose characteristics of such, but I am human (and curious). lol Back to the question, is this possible would it have happened. I have been reading up alot lately on Race and different categories to know that all "Homo Sapiens Sapiens" are the same species, but due to genetic variation and regional mutations and what not, they have evolved several different Physical characteristics specialized to their region. What we modern humans call "Race". Putting Ethics aside, and working on scientific basis alone would this have been possible? I'm not too fond of the terms Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongaloid. but you have to admit there are major differences between the three and all else are just sub-catagories of these main three races. A second question I pose is:
Do you agree more of the "Out of Africa" model for the migration of early Humans or the "The multiregional model"?
By the way I'm mixed lol