
If the dinosaurs didn't die out, do you think they would still be alive today?

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If the dinosaurs didn't die out, do you think they would still be alive today?




  1. Yes but they'll all be in zoos or the Jurassic park

  2. If whatever event killed off the dinosaurs had not occured then yeah I think they would still be here. They lasted for a couple of hundred million years in one form or another, I think they were well established enough to carry on indefinitely.

  3. Well, it they didn't die out that sort of answers your question, doesn't it?

  4. If dinosaurs didn't die out would they be here today.....well if they didn't die out they would have to be somewhere.

    If your question is could a dinosaur live in the wild today I would say a large predator would have allot of difficulty do to the lack of territory available. Smaller animals like lions, polar bears and others are having difficulty and might not make it.

  5. I doubt it.

  6. Judging by the fact that crocodiles and sharks etc have changed very little over millions of years of evolution, I think it quite possible they would be still around today.

  7. Haven't you seen the bnp? The dinosaurs live on!

  8. Hurm well the fact they did die out  (for what ever reason) lets say it was mainly an enviromental change that killed them means that they wouldent of been alive today due to the change back  then hasent gone away

    Though Dinosaurs havnt really died out entirely sum did adapt and some did survive -reptiles for instance some of them crocodiles ect actually are direct descendents from dinosaurs  

  9. They are not alive today because they did die out.

    The conditions that wiped out the large dinosaurs also enabled mammals to become the dominant animal.  Humans evolved from small rat-like creatures that lived on the forest floor.  If dinosaurs had continued to thrive, it's quite possible that a highly intelligent lizard would have evolved.  So we'd still be here, but we'd be green.

    PS The new Y!A spell-checker hasn't heard of green.

  10. I have never read a more stupid question!!

  11. What the.........?

    Yeah. And if Elvis hadn't died, he would still be alive. Silly question!

  12. i wish they would be alive that u be so kl yet so scary never happen though

  13. most of the dinosaurs didn't 'die out' they evolved into the animals we see today

    if they didn't they would be able to survive in the current atmosphere

  14. No,i don't think they would have had enough food.

                   Debbie O

  15. Birds are dinosaurs according to some. More conventionally, birds are the direct descendants of dinosaurs. So you could argue that they're still alive today.

  16. I reckon there would have been something else to have killed them off if they hadn't become extinct when they did.  

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