
If the doctors tell you that you are more execptable to get diabtes becuse it run in your family ?

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and you are six and half months pregnant and you keep eating sweets every day does that show that you do not care about your self or the baby




  1. Most cases of gestational diabetes can be controlled by diet alone - some cases however do require medication to keep under control.

    Agree with Jill above though - if she is gonna get diabetes then she will get it regardless of current diet - if she had GD and was eating the diet you claim then that would be cause for concern - however at six and a half months she has probably already been tested for her glucose tollerance and it was within acceptable limits, more likely she has been tested thoroughly is she was told she was suseptible because of a family history.

    I think your fears are unfounded but it is good to encourage a healthy diet throughout pregnancy.

  2. You cannot give yourself gestational diabetes by eating too many sweets. If you are going to get it, it will happen regardless of what you eat.

    She can eat whatever she wants in moderation just as any other pregnant woman can. If she hasn't been diagnosed she's fine.

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