
If the draft comes back, should congress be the first ones signed up?

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Personally, I believe that if the draft comes back, everyone who votes for it should go. Sorry. But if your willing to send our kids to war, you better be d**n ready to go yourself, or send your own kids. I personally have nothing to worry about since I have too many health problems to get drafted (i tried to join the military and they wouldn't let me) but most if not all of my buddys will.




  1. There







    and we doing just fine.

  2. War is bad no matter how you look at it, personally I think the U.S. should make their military strictly voluntary just like the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, (even in times of war) they will not enact a draft.

    I think there should be more effort in preventing war from ever happening rather than forcing people into it.

    Personally there are ways to avoid the draft, you could go to college, you could use the religion excuse or you could become a war refugee and flee the country.

    I love freedom, but Im not willing to give mine up so old rich guys in charge of the country can have theres.

    I say, everyone should put down their weapons and strive for world peace.

  3. yea they should those lazy bums but anyways if it came down to a draft i would happily die knowing my family is safe

  4. The ones who want war will not go. I tried to get people to sign up their 20 years olds to fight in Iraq (Those with I support the troops decal on cars) and they look as if they are eating lemons when ask to go. War supporters won't fight.

  5. Do your homework.

    Everybody who is 18 years old signs up. It's the law.

    Also, in case you forgot to vote, you elected those officials. You are responsible for them being there.

    I know people who tried to get waivers for their ailments to get in. They weren't "summer soldiers and sunshine patriots."

    As far as your having "nothing to worry about," think about this.

    “War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing that is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.” (John Stewart Mill)

    Or how about this... "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." (George Orwell)

    I spent 15 years in the military. And the only reason you are able to belly-ache and wimp out is because of a few "rough men" whom you seem to despise, fought and died to secure your freedom to do so.

  6. thats why we should have mccain as president, because hes not a hypocrite and fights for his country and so do his 2 sons and btw the draft isnt gonna come back for a long time.

  7. NO NO NO.....

    Why would we want those fools in Congress in the military?

    We want our military to be winners.

    I'm sorry you have a problem with our people defending our country.

    I'm glad, however, that it's your problem and not mine.

    I think this country is well worth defending.

  8. With all the alcoholic drug-abusing overweight mentally-deficient members of Congress I can think of off the top of my head, I'm not convinced many of them could make it into basic training, much less survive it.

  9. Most republicans have a history of having "other priorities" when it comes to serving this country during a war.

  10. Erudite True sure made a broad idiotic statement. I know over 5 senior kids on just one high school football team that are going in the military right after this last year of their high school.

    No one told them to do it either. They think its the patriotic thing to do and it is. These kids all come from conservative Christian families as well and their is not one liberal in the five.

    So don't make such stupid broad answers because you are an idiot.

  11. Sure.  I'd go in a minute, and I'm 51 years old and have cancer - but I still think well, and could probably do useful things in intel after I brush up on my language skills - French, German, Russian, some Spanish..  Or if they'd have me, I'd fight as a grunt.  

    By the way, my youngest son died in Iraq in 2005, so I'm not talking BS.  The idea of getting even with the scum who killed my son is appealing.  

  12. Of course not! We need some sort of command structure on capital hill and some sort of order for the laws in our country while the great americans that got drafted are busting theirs defending yours!

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