
If the earth is billion years old?

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Why aren’t the oceans muddier?

Why aren’t the seas saltier?

Why there isn’t erosion or little erosion marks in the Grand Canyon

Did the moon use to touch the earth?

Why are there petrified trees standing between strata layers?

Why are some strata layers folded up?

Why are there some fossils of fishes giving birth?

How come some object that are only less than a hundred years are found petrified?




  1. earth isnt a billion years old it is approx 6000 years old God created the universe h**l make it the way he wants it to be

  2. Most dating methods incidate that the earth and universe are young.

    It is only evolutionary (mis)interpretation of the evidence that leads some to believe the earth is ancient.

    Here's another one: Based on current erosion rates the continents containing rocks allegedly millions of years old, would have eroded away many times over.

    So evolutionists have to propose that this old rock must have been hidden away somewhere (buried under other rock now eroded?) and only risen to form the continents recently.

    It doesn't make much sense when you think about it.

    Here's another: If we evolved over millions of years, then we have countless billions of human and human-like ancestors. Where is the evidence of these countless billions?

    The evidence we do have is for activity of intelligent humans from just a few thousand years ago.

  3. For one the earh is not 1 billion years old, it is about 4.5 billion... and other these question make no sense at all...

  4. Because the Earth isn't really a billion years old.

  5. "Why aren't the oceans muddier? Why aren't the seas saltier?"

    Sediment gets deposited on the sea floor, which is eventually compacted into sedimentary rocks. Sea water is also "recycled" as it is drawn into subduction zones at the edges of tectonic plates, and returned to the sea via hydrothermal vents.

    "Why there isn’t erosion or little erosion marks in the Grand Canyon"

    The Grand Canyon IS an erosion mark! It's the most gigantic and spectacular example of erosion in action. It was carved out by the Colorado River over the course of a few million years.

    "Did the moon use to touch the earth?"

    In a manner of speaking, yes. The moon was formed when another planet (perhaps about the size of Mars) collided with the young Earth and threw out a vast cloud of rocky material which then accreted into the moon. The moon is getting further away from us due to tidal acceleration, so it would have been closer to us millions of years ago.

    "Why are there petrified trees standing between strata layers?"

    Because under the right circumstances (floods, volcanic eruptions, etc) strata layers can form very quickly, and the trees remain standing while further layers form around them. We can even observe this process happening in some places - trees buried by the Mount St. Helens eruption are already mineralizing, for example.

    "Why are some strata layers folded up?"

    Because of tectonic activity. The crustal plates move around and the forces cause the rock strata to fold, like how pushing on a rug causes ripples and folds to rise.

    "Why are there some fossils of fishes giving birth?"

    There are numerous fish species around today that give birth to live young. The dogfish, the hammerhead and the basking shark are among them.

    "How come some object that are only less than a hundred years are found petrified?"

    Because petrifaction can occur very quickly under the right circumstances. See my previous Mount St. Helens comment - extreme heat (e.g. from volcanism), and silicates leaching into the soil by rainwater can cause petrifaction to occur in mere dozens of years.

  6. Why aren’t the oceans muddier?

    Why aren’t the seas saltier?

    Both of these are answered by subduction a process where material is taken back into the earth’s core by plate tectonics as one plate pushes under another a lot of silted material is taken with it. This silted material has also absorbed an amount of salt so that is removed to.

    Why there isn’t erosion or little erosion marks in the Grand Canyon?

    The Grand Canyon is one giant erosion of the plain by the river at the bottom.

    Did the moon use to touch the earth?

    Current theory suggests the earth was struck by a mars sized object when still forming creating the moon from the expelled material.

    Why are there petrified trees standing between strata layers?

    It is the layers that made them petrified, usually due to volcanic eruption a tree is covered in ash, Ground water dissolved silica from the volcanic ash and carried it through the logs, this solution filled, or replaced cell walls, crystallizing as the mineral quartz.

    Why are some strata layers folded up?

    Once again plate tectonics as plates move against each other buckling occurs, known to most of us as earthquakes. This can happen due to volcanic reasons too.

    Why are there some fossils of fishes giving birth?

    They were simply hit by a sediment slide during that action.

    How come some object that are only less than a hundred years are found petrified?

    For this one I have not seen any such objects. So cannot answer you.

  7. Why aren’t the oceans muddier?

    Gradually the mud/particulates sink as they are heavier than water. The whole of the abyssal planes are covered by a very thick layer of mud and other detritus.

    Why aren’t the seas saltier?

    Why would they be, much of the materials are strapped in sedimentary rock/rock salt etc.

    Why there isn’t erosion or little erosion marks in the Grand Canyon

    The Grand Canyon is caused by Errosion, as anyone who's aware of any aspect of it knows. This question is meaningless.

    Did the moon use to touch the earth?

    The Moon rock is the same as Earth rock, in it's early history the Earth was hit by a large body causing the moon to be fragmented. The Moons orbit is changing very slighty over time.

    Why are there petrified trees standing between strata layers?

    Because there were trees in {pre-} history. If they get stuck in a bog, for example, rock will form round them and they will petrify.

    Why are some strata layers folded up?

    Techtonic plate movement causes up thrusts in the crust {for example} and things like mountain ranges.

    Why are there some fossils of fishes giving birth?

    Statistically over the period of a fish's life cycle a few will die in birthing { I suspect that these aren't true fish but sea mamals etc}. If you find enough fossils some will record this period.

    How come some object that are only less than a hundred years are found petrified?

    It's very rare but in extreme conditions, for example in a dry desert a state like pertification can be found.

    {edit} In reference to some answers; It's nice to know that the only 'facts' we shouldn't question are those written over 100's of years of prehistory by people living in mud huts. Hey, it's a free world.

    {edit} My initial reaction to the article? The terms 'Piltdown man' and 'faked' come immediately to mind. We'll see when if someone fully investigates..

  8. Breathes in

    Why aren’t the oceans muddier?

    They a full of silt ever noticed how your swimming costume collects so much!!!

    Why aren’t the seas saltier?

    The saltyness is a function of waters ability to dissolve salts.

    Why there isn’t erosion or little erosion marks in the Grand Canyon

    Seriosuly have you ever been there, i have and the whole thing is severly scoured!

    Did the moon use to touch the earth?

    No I think either a meterite got trapped in our magnetic field

    Why are there petrified trees standing between strata layers?

    Climates change, an area can be marshy, then coastal, changes in sea level leaving quite different material types.

    Why are some strata layers folded up?

    Due to tectonic pressure of our plates new "earth" is being created while other parts are being pushed back into the centre. these pressures and temperature cause the rock to deform

    Why are there some fossils of fishes giving birth?

    Why not there are fossils of everything, muddy silts usually the best preservative, next to amber.

    How come some object that are only less than a hundred years are found petrified?

    It all depends on the local temperatue, and locations of burial if applicable.

  9. 1 - Because the 'mud' has settled on the sea bed.

    2 - Because the salt has been diluted in billions of gallons of water.

    3 - Weather patterns ?

    4 - Yes - the moon was once part of the earth (Discovery channel !)

    5 - Trees sink to the bottom of lakes - become petrified - get covered in silt...

    6 - Movement of the earth's crust

    7 - Evolution - the fish were more likely a 'half-way stage' from fish to something else

    8 - Petrification happens at different rates - depending on the object - and the concentration of minerals left behind when the water evaporates.

  10. 4.5 billion years old actually.

    The oldest ocean floor is only a few hundred million years old.  That is because of plate tectonics (look it up).

    The sea has been roughly as it is for a very long time.  salt gets washed out of rocks into the sea, but arms of the sea get cut off and dry up, which is how salt deposits were formed.

    Have you seen the Grand Canyon?  I have and it is absolutely full of erosion marks.  Anyone who says different is ignorant or lying.

    It is thought that the moon was indeed formed from the earth plus another large body in a major collision.  Tidal friction has the effect of moving the moon progressively further away from the earth.

    I don't understand the question about petrified trees.

    Strata are folded as a result of compression by plate tectonic forces (look up plate tectonics in Wikipedia).

    Why shouldn't there be fossils of fishes giving birth, if for example they were buried in a mudslide?  This seems much more likely than imagining that such fossils were the result of special creation.

    How quickly things become petrified depends on the environment.  if it takes a hundred years to petrify something, that tells you it was buried at least a hundred years ago, but that could have been a hundred years or a billion years.

    Someone has been feeding you "objections" to the science based story of the history of the earth. I would urge you to use what you would call your God-given intellect to examine how valid these "objections" really are, and draw your own conclusions regarding their reliability.

  11. Go to no answers in Genesis, where you will find exhaustive answers to all of those questions.

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