
If the earth poles flip and cause end of the world like catastrophes where would you be safe?

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1) Would you survive on a plane (during worst parts of catastrophe i.e tsunami, flood, volcano cloud, and winds from these), or do you think it would need to be so far up high? Providing the plane or something similar could also land on water. Could then find suitable ground. Needs food and natural energy stores.

2)In a bunker on a really high mountain.




  1. The only thing that will flip will be the Earth's magnetic field ( protects earth from sun radiation) and it will soon flip in a few years becuase i watch a documentry about it but dont worry it wont be gone it be weaker and it will be easier to get skin cancar but we should be alright and you will be able to see the aroua lights in places like england and america

  2. 2 sounds way the safest option!

  3. NO WEHERE!  the ice would melt and the land would be miles underwater and if we tried building ships we would have no food and start eating each-other except fish if there are any left!

  4. First off, why would the Earth's poles Flip?  The magnetic poles may do so, but it has happened any number of times and not caused any sort of catastrophe that we can see in the rock record, so no real worries there - we would have to adjust of course, but we have the technology to do so. The axis of rotation is not going to 'flip' so this is just idle speculation.

  5. Sure if you are on a space walk at the right time, you are likely to be safe.  GWB took off in his Airforce 1 when we had what is now called 9/11.

  6. The earths poles WILL NOT flip in the way you suggest...

    The magnetic poles move all the time.

    There is a geologic record that shows it has happened many times in our past but not at regular intervals. Time between reversals can be 10000 yrs or a million years.

    However - we know that the magnetic field does not collapse in the process - if it did, there would be major extinctions that correlate with the geologic record for pole reversals - there is no correlation.

    The latest hypothesis is that the Earth's magnetic field gets chaotic, with lots of north and south poles - so we still have a magnetic field, but compasses will be useless. And then it straightens itself back out, but with north and south reverse.

    This is actually similar to what the sun does - but the sun does it on a regular 11 year cycle.

    As for when it will happen - those people that observe the magnetic field think it will go through its chaotic thing and reverse some time soon based on how it is currently behaving, but that is a hypothesis waiting for the event to occur to be tested, and the exact date certainly is not known.

    Now for the rotational axis and its shift:

    The axis of the earth does wobble on several known timescales. These wobbles are known as the Milankovic cycles.


    Basically the axis of the earth’s rotation does not always point to Polaris (the Pole Star); and we are not always inclined at 23.5 deg. So the poles do move relative to the plane of the earth’s orbit around the sun, and relative to the stars – but the shifts are minor and continuous

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