
If the earth stopped changing....?

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it would mean it was dying .so then why are people scared of it changing?i would be more scared if it stopped changing at least we know its still alive .

and no i do not belive in man made global warming




  1. You are right. The only thing we know for a fact is that the Earth and all things associated with it (climate, volcanoes, etc) changes. Always has, always will.

  2. Well, the reason people are scared of it changing is because we have built our society on the premise that it will not change significantly during our lifetimes. I doubt that you would be a big fan of change if it meant that a flood destroyed your home or an earthquake ruined all the highways in your city or the climate changed so that you did not have enough food or water. I doubt that anyone appreciates that sort of change.

  3. No, changing does not mean it is still living.

    If it is becoming inhospitable for life, we would not like that.

    The anticipated change people are concerned about involves major droughts and floods. The total amount of warming itself is not the problem, but within areas that turn to desert, even near desert, the change will be unwelcome.

    Note that I have not discussed man made global warming. Global warming by any cause has the problems I outline. It is  the warming, the resultant loss of cloud cover, developing drought and desert, the concentrated rainfall that results in major floods... these are a result of global warming regardless of how that warming is caused.

    And then, a couple or 3 hundred years along, we are set up for the start of a major ice age. Now that change is one that humanity can survive even if a large part of humanity will not.

    Now we individually will not see most of these changes run their course. We may not be able to stop it. We should be alert to opportunities to mitigate both the results and their impact on life.

  4. Ok, two can play that game: if the global mean temperature shot up to 30+ C (86+ F) would you still say "at least know its still alive"?

    Yes, the earth is always changing, but that doesn't mean any change is ok.

    By the way, you put forth a paradox: if currently it's growing/living, and then it started dying, it WOULD be changing. But I digress...

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