
If the earth suddenly stopped spinning

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ans was just stationary like the moon, what would the effects be on earth and particularly, us?




  1. Well, first, everything on the surface of the earth would be flung sideways due to inertia.

    Assuming we survive that....

    The winds and ocean currents would stop.  Weather would stagnate.  Whichever side of the earth was facing the sun would become unbearably hot, and the side away from the sun would become unbearably cold.  Civilization would collapse, the ecosystem would collapse, and we would probably all die quickly.

    That said, the moon IS spinning.  It is tidally locked to the earth so that it rotates about its axis in exactly one day, which is why we only see one side.

  2. Everything would go flying off of it!!!  The momentum is so strong on every object on Earth, that a suddon stop would send it everywhere!  It would be the same as being in the car and stopping suddenly.  Your body and anything else in the car keeps moving but the car stops.  Thank goodness for seatbelts!

  3. First off the Moon is not stationary, its rotation is the same as the earths thats why we only see one side of it.  Even if the Earth would suddenly stop spinning the molten iron core would continue to spin which eventualy, due to friction, would cause the mantles to start to "melt" meaning volcanoes, earth quakes and the like.  It would mean that every thing would go flying off into space since the gravity that holds us down is a product of the earths mass not its spin.

  4. Then my friend unfortunately it would be the end of the world. It would be the end of the world becasue, when the earth stops movign thats a sign that the core has stop heating..which of all things is the worst to happen. One the core stops moving, the plates stop too becasue there no heat or pressue from the core casueing it to move anymore. Soon the earth will stop everything, and the process of life. To put it into short terms, it will be really bad. We wouldnt be alive, most of the generation might go through extinction, because the lack of proper food, and oxegen..Mna kind would surely be wiped out in a short while, and earth you could say would turn into another mars..

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