
If the earths rotation speed got 10 times faster?

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Would the gravity of earth get ten times stronger if the rotation of the earth increased 10 times.Would this mean that we would all weight ten times heavyer than normal.If this happen then most people would be so heavy they could not even walk.They would be pinned to the spot where they are.Would it make jet aircraft 10 times heavyer and they would all crash.Boats 10 times heavyer would sink.Would buildings collaps under there own weight.




  1. Gravity is not dependent on the rotation of the Earth.

    In fact, if the Earth spun 10 times faster, we would feel lighter, since we would be feeling a fictitious 'centrifugal force' throwing us off. Though I don't think it would be very noticeable.

    But you are correct that if gravity were 10 times stronger, everything would be ruined. After all, few things are designed to handle a constant 10g acceleration.

  2. Gravity depends on mass and not spin rate. Centrifugal force depends on spin rate. The centrifugal force of the rotating Earth makes you feel 0.3% lighter at the equator than the pole. If Earth rotated 10 times faster, the formula in the source tells me that centrifugal force would be 100 times stronger and you would feel 30% lighter at the equator than at the pole. If Earth rotated 16 times faster, you would be weightless at the equator, because centrifugal force would equal the force of gravity, but pushing you up instead of down. If Earth rotated more than 16 times faster, things at the equator would be thrown completely off the planet and into space from the equator. But since centrifugal force gets less and less as you get closer to the axis of rotation, there would be no difference at the poles. There is no centrifugal force at the poles.

    You may be confused by the idea of spinning a space station to sumulate gravity with centrifugal force. In tha case, the space station is wheel is shaped and the force pushes you out from the center, so you feel a force holding you against the INSIDE of the rim of the wheel.

  3. 10 times faster? oh you mean like 60 minutes will be reduced to 30 minutes (to be an hour) instead? then i would benefit from my working hours, which will be reduced to 4 hours instead of the usual 8. but i had to figure out how to talk really fast, walk really fast, do my job really fast, eat really fast, and even p**p really fast.

  4. speed has nothing to do with gravity's variables..... unless you go with the feeling of "man-made gravity" (increasing speed to make you feel weightless) [roller coasters]

    gravity has two variables...... mass and distance.... the force of gravity depends on how large the object is and how far away the other object that it's gravity is acting upon is (the farther away the object... the weaker the pull.... the closer... the stronger the pull)

    infact by increasing the earth's rotation speed.... two things would atomatcally happen (in the case that this suddenly occurred)

    1. Everyone would start to feel weightless

    2. Everyone would age slower and time would slow down.... although no one would notice because  it's happening to everyone at the same time (time would slow down b/c the faster an object goes the slower time will go with it)

  5. from the equation for gravitational force, F = GMm/R², where G is a constant, M and m are the two masses between both objects, and R is is the distance between them, I would say that the gravity of earth would not get ten times stronger since there is no speed variable in that equation.

    also, if it did get stronger with speed, that would mean that there would be no gravity if the earth stopped.

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