
If the election were held today I bet you'd be wrong about who wins?

by  |  earlier

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If the electoral votes were counted according to recent state polling, McCain would win. Believe it?

remember, all of the remaining states would fall to who ever had the most votes.




  1. You have to understand that the polls are taken with "likely voters" so they only call the people that have voted before. With the get out the vote that Obama has run these polls are meaningless. Obama will stomp McCain! Palin won't be even be the VP pick with her going to jail and all.

    Mittins will be back and all you wingnuts will be crying because he is not one of you. Like McCain is... LOL

  2. That is why the Dems are slandering the poor 17 yr old.....they know they are LOSING on the issues and are desperate as their deity continues to sink in the polls.....

  3. what remaining states? that's just saying it's too close to call right now...

    not that they would magically be not counted or given away?

    and it says Obama is winning? 228 to 185?

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