
If the electoral votes are what picks the president and VP why do us peons go to the polls?

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If the electoral votes are what picks the president and VP why do us peons go to the polls?




  1. Because your votes elect the electors who will go to the Electoral College and cast their vote for President.

    If your state goes for Obama, Electoral College voters who like Obama will be sent.  If you live in a McCain state, Electors who like him will be sent.

    While it is technically possible for an Elector to vote for whomever they will, it hardly ever happens, and when it does, it never impacts the election.  After the 2004 election, one Kerry Elector cast his for for former Sen. John Edwards, even though he was the V.P. nominee.  These kind of votes are symbolic, and that one vote didn't affect their outcome of the election at all.

  2. Our votes determine what delegates of our state are sent to vote in the electoral college.  If a state's citizens cast votes, the majority of which are for the Democratic candidate, then Democratic delegates are sent to cast their votes in the electoral college.  Do you think that the state's party members would send anybody to the electoral college who wasn't a die-hard party member?  If you don't vote, then don't complain about the results.

  3. In my opinion, freedom is an illusion--you are as free as the government allows. we go to the polls to feel that we have a part in......once upon a time we did!!!

  4. Because the electoral number from each state goes to the candidate that gets the most votes in that state.

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