
If the entire population of China jumped at the same time would this cause a tidal wave or similar?

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If the entire population of China jumped at the same time would this cause a tidal wave or similar?




  1. No

  2. Let's figure it out.

    An average Chinese weighs 70kg.

    There are 1.4 billion Chinese.

    China's area is 10 million sq.kms. (10 trillion sq.m.)

    'g' = 9.8 mtr/sec/sec = rounded to 10m/s^2.

    Total 'mass' of the nation=1.4 X 70= 100 bil. kg

    Force generated by a synchronous jump= 1 trillion N

    Pressure= force/area

    =1 tril N/10 tril m^2

    =(1/10) pascals.

    This is nothing; 1Atm=10kP in comparison.

    I think that settles it!

  3. No.  The weight of the entire human race is only a trillionth of the weight of the earth.  If all humanity jumped at the same time, it would have a negligible effect.  There are some very sensitive seismographs however, that would be able to record it.

  4. Yeah we would all be wiped out of course. The effect would very similair to a meteor crashing into the earth.

  5. A tidal wave isn't just a big wave, it is actually caused by tides, hence the name. What you are thinking of is a tsunami. Anyway to answer the question I would have to say no.

  6. lol funny question.

  7. Imagine if they all farted at the same time

  8. No, But it would probably create a huge 'c***k' in the earth's crust!

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