
If the fathers name is on the birth certificate does that mean he has parental rights?

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i just had a baby and the father wasn't supposed to be on the birth certificate but while i was gone he signed it,does that mean he has parental rights over my son?




  1. yes he does but he also has to pay child support, if he is dangerous you can have his rights limited to supervised visitation but he still pays support. hire an attorney.  

  2. Yes, until taken to court and proven otherwise

  3. Yes, but also if you two go your seperate ways, you can get child support from him because he DID sign the certificate

  4. Yes.  However, even if the father did not do this, he still have parental rights over the child.  

    It just makes things a lot easier if you or he decides to file for custody, child support, visitation rights, etc.

    Side note - even if you and the father are not getting along, you should not allow him not to sign the birth certificate.  You both have a child now, it is time to act like adults and not be childish about things!!!

  5. The biological father has legal parental rights and responsibilities no matter WHAT is on the birth certificate.  By putting his name on there, it makes it simpler, but in any dispute, that name means little.  If push comes to shove, a paternity test will determine the father.

  6. Yes it does unless Court intervenes.

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