
If the first humans were created in God's image, did they look like pigs, fish or monkies? We know how man has

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evolved, but we don't know what the first man looked like before evolving, except that he and God looked the same. That's all the Bible tells us, that God and the first man looked the same. Interesting thought. The first man may have looked like a worm, a grasshopper or a beetle for all we know from reading the Bible.




  1. like a ape

  2. In Gods image, meaning what God thought we should look like, not a mirror image of God...If we came from lower life forms then why are there not any other intelligent creatures as we are?  Why not a monkey that could calculate the dimensions of our world, or know where we all came from?

  3. In the words of Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking..."Humans are just an advanced breed of monkey, on a minor planet, of a very average star, but we can understand the Universe. that makes us something very special."

  4. except christians don't believe in evolution.

  5. You have an interesting query, in the wrong section nonetheless, but interesting. The problem with what you have thought out is that a majority of practicing Christians have a serious problem with the Theory of Evolution, so it is asumed that man has always looked like man and there are no ifs ands or buts about it. Despite the fact that Evolution is a proven fact, many people decide based on faith that God has put them there as men or women humans

  6. You're in the wrong category.

    Please only post science questions here.  No religious stuff.

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