
If the following Sesame Street characters were wrestlers...?

by  |  earlier

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...what would be their finishers?


Big Bird-

Cookie Monster-



For the "WTF" answerers, know I asked this out of my random sarcasm. Besides, this made me think.

WQ1: What will Edge do on Friday?

WQ2: What will Undertaker do on Friday?




  1. there should be seasme street wrestling program , this would be funny while cooki monster is wrestling he steals evereybodies cookies. i think it is a good question *** starred***

  2. Elmo - Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker

    Big Bird - Back Rack Into A Gutbuster

    Cookie Monster - Blue Thunder Driver

    Grover - Pay lay

    Zoe - ???

  3. Elmo would take his crayons and draw on your face then spear you in your knee, lol.

    Big Bird would fly in the air and c**p a huge terd on your head then drop on you.

    Grover, forgot but I think he is in the ground, he would come out and make you smell his pits, then throw the fish at you.

    Zoe would make flowers go in your eyes, and then the flowers would turn into fire LOL.

    WQ1:Complain saying that Undertaker cheated somehow, lol.

    WQ2:Get cheered by fans during his entrance and interupt edge.

  4. That's Low, come up with new Q. this just sad Q.

  5. snuffleofogus;...

  6. Elmo-referring to himself in the third person until his opponent knocks himself out to escape.

    Big Bird- doing a tag team with Snuffleupagus that no one knows about.....

    Cookie Monster- chewing on his opponents head and spitting it out

    Grover- Dropping a hot bowl of soup on his opponent

    Zoe- who's that *****?

  7. This is g*y man!

    Elmo- Death Valley Driver (Tombstone)

    Big Bird- Bird Droppings (leg drop off the top rope)

    Cookie Monster- Chokeslam

    Grover- Frog Splash

    Zoe- Chick Kick

    WQ#1: Just wait and see!

    WQ#2: Just wait and see!  

  8. elmo--elmo driver

    Big bird--the leg drop

    grover-transportation drop

    zoe-zoe bomb

    cookie monster----- the cookie slam

    wq1 idk cant wait tho

    wq2 same thing

  9. WTF? I can only remember Big Bird, Cookie Monster and Elmo

    BB- Bird Dive (Frog Splash)

    Cookie Monster- Cookie Dough Driver (Batista Bomb)

    Elmo- Elmo Destroyer (Canadian Destroyer (lol)

    WQ- I think he won't show up

    WQ- Go Beat up Triple H or demand a title shot

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