
If the global warming issue is indeed a scam, can someone pls tell me how its advocates (eg Al Gore) ,,,?

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profit from it?




  1. Gore OWNS parts of companies that produces GREEN products....DUH

    Were it true...why do only 38% of the climatologists endorse it..LESS THAN 1/2

    Were it true....why would one of its propononts (Gore) use $16,000 of electric a month for his personal home....ride in caravans of 3 HUGH SUV's and fly around in a PRIVATE 727...?

  2. I can not wait till the day that all of you understand how stupid you are well all humans we are now just noticing what we have done this is our only planet we have once chance and we are doing a god dam good job or s******g it up.

  3. how much has he made from an inconvinent truth

    how much has me made from charging hundreds of thousands per speech

    how much fame and popularity is he getting

    how much political revenge is he getting

    how much are the dems gonna take our taxes for it

  4. There is sucker born every minute.

  5. Al Gore is Chairman of Generation Investment Management.

    It's a firm that trades in Carbon Credits.

    He directly profits from the global warming hysteria. The more hysteria, the more trading in carbon credits, the more trading in carbon credits, the more money Al Gore makes.

  6. They invest in companies that provide carbon credit offsets.  It doesn't take a lot of initial investment to start a tree-planting company.  However, power plants would probably pay them a lot of money if it means they don't have to overhaul the plant to make it more ecologically friendly.  Initial investors in the tree-planting company will see significant rates of return on their investment, especially if this process is endorsed by the federal government.

  7. Global Warming is a hoax created by internationalists (ie David Rockefeller) in order to scare the populace into giving in to the laws they are wanting to pass on a global level. The government would love to get people to buy into this lie because it will give them more power to implement laws (more governmental control) and also to be able to tax people for their "carbon footprint" (more money).

    More money and more control for the government is what global warming is and it is caused by lobbyist such as Al Gore along with neoconservatives and liberals.

  8. Easily... Carbon credits come to mind. But if you "claim" that something is a problem, then if you "claim" to have solutions for the problem, or ways to make the problem better... the sheep who have bought in to your scam will scramble to buy your products.

    Oh, and I forgot to mention that there are MILLIONS of dollars in grant money for proving global warming... practically none for disproving it. Many researchers literally LIVE for their grant money, so where do YOU think they will focus and advocate for?

  9. Do you honestly think Al Gore needs more money?

    Did you know that Al Gore donated 100% of the proceeds of "An Inconvenient Truth" (the book and movie) to global warming research?

    He didn't 'get' anything. He actually 'gave' a lot of his time and money to the cause.

  10. Climate change is real. It has and is happening. Al Gore did not create global warming so he could profit from it. Ice cores from the arctic taken over 30 years ago showed the global warming trend. Opportunities to profit from different situations are the norm. Toyota and Honda are examples. Those companies didn't cause the $140 / barrel oil and $4 gas, but they are profiting from it.

    Southwest Airlines didn't either when they bought future fuel under contract at locked in prices. There isn't a conspiracy here.

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