
If the government can't run its own restaurant, how do you people think they can run health care?

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I guess the Senate's government run restaurant has lost 1.3 million in the last year and has a menu that is sub par. But running our health care will be totally different than that. We will have the best health care money can buy. NOT!




  1. They do run health care...They're called the VA Hospitals and Medicare.  Maybe you heard of them?

  2. VA and Medicare are examples of government ran health care.  That's why the veterans have horrible care and medicare is a BIG rip off.  It really is funny how they are going to have to have their restaurant privately run so their personal cost won't increase 25%. LMAO  EVERYTHING government tries to run, turns into SH_T!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. beats me, i'm waiting for someone to tell me of something our govt. has run that has or is working. oh wait i got it congressional salaries and benefits.

  4. The same institution runs the DMV & FEMA & social security & education, and on & on.

    Two forms of health aren't regulated: eye surgery & plastic surgery.  Not surprisingly, they're the two with the fastest advancements & dropping costs.

    We need to reduce government & put in back in the hands of the people.

    VA & Medicare ... lol horribly run.

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