
If the government finds the economy is suffering from high rates of unemployment what can it do?

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If the government finds the economy is suffering from high rates of unemployment what can it do?




  1. * Lowering interest rates "sometimes" work but as the rate approaces zero, available money gets scarce by going to more profitable sources.  

    * Increase spending by investing in infrastructure, buildings, roads, bridges, etc.  

    * Lowering taxes seldom works as shown in the past few years.  The reason is that they have to lower it to the middle and lower class for it to do any good and they cannot reduce it a significant amount for it to do any good.  

    * Elliminate / reduce spending outside the US, like Iraq.  What gets spent in Iraq stays in Iraq (or some other country).  It does not help the United States.  

    * Re-institute import tarifs like we had thruout history up to the 70's.  If a pair of Nike's cost $7.00  to make in the US and $0.90 in China, the duty is $6.10.  This builds jobs in the US.  (BTW, those ARE roughly the approximate costs to make Nike shoes).

  2. Lower interest rates, lower taxes, increase government spending

  3. Get a democrat in office...get out of the civil war in Iraq thats costing us billions of dollars and put the money into our economey.

  4. Nothing, the problem is the greed in this society and the fact that the middle class has been destroyed. Business owners are not paying enough yet they keep charging more because they can. The gov't just needs to quit giving the wealthy all the breaks-----oh thats right, the gov't is made up of those same greedy sob's. Were screwed but the jokes on them cause their going to go down too lolololololoolol

  5. change the administration, no doubt the president is getting burned out!

  6. the people got to stop blaming the government for everything.

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